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  • Can everyone affected please identify the exact version this first started happening? Some people have reported that r249 also does not work and r248 was the last version that worked. It is essential to know this to make progress on this issue.

    r248 and r249 worked fine, r250 failed to launch

  • I have a similar problem, my version r250 is not launching, i had uninstalled it and reinstalled a few times, i had rebooted my computer a few times too, it didn't work, i had to install the r246 again, it worked well for me.

  • For mirror and flip you can set the width and height to negative. I find that more useful as the actions you refer to do that anyway and are redundant.

    I didn't add scale as that's based on image size and I thought it made things unintuitive because you can change the texture size with the set resolution action. It can be done with the set size action if it's really needed.

    So I think I purposely didn't add those two features.

    Any pasted objects should draw exactly as they are overlapping the paster object. So that last bit should be true. I don't think you can load an image into the paster object but you can load it into a Sprite and paste it.

    I'm glad you find it useful but I'm avoiding updating it unless I absolutely have to.

    Thank you for the reply, i got your ideas, however, its too complicated for me because i have hundreds of assets with totally different image sizes.

    i know sprites can handle scale and mirror, however, load image in sprite overwrites all instances with the same frame, In order to have 100 instances loading different images in a layout, i will have to add 100 frames to the sprite.

    Anyway, thank you for trying to help, i appreciate it.

  • Hi R0J0hound, can you add the following actions to the awesome Paster plugin?

    1, appearance actions: mirror and flip

    2, size & position action: scale

    also, it would be great if new pasted in objects and new images loaded from URL could inherit the mirror, flip, scale properties

    I think it would be handy for dress up games and house decoration games when you have hundreds of assets.

    Thank you for the great plugins you had developed.

  • tonypond

    Please set database to

      "rules": {
        ".read": true,
        ".write": true
    if all kinds of access are allowed.

    Thank you Rex, it worked, and the plugin is great! Thanks a lot!

  • Hi Rex, i tried your simple chat demo, it worked well with your api key, but after I replaced the api information with my own, i got permission denied error, i had enabled Anonymous auth from the control panel, anything else i had missed? Thank you for the awesome plugin!

    [quote:1hsnr9p6]preview_prelude.js:57 Using WebGL renderer: ANGLE (Intel(R) HD Graphics Direct3D9Ex vs_3_0 ps_3_0) [Google Inc.]

    preview_prelude.js:57 Max texture size: 8192

    preview_prelude.js:57 Point size range: 1 to 256

    glwrap.js:386 WebGL extensions: Array(21)

    system.js:1313 Go to layout: Room

    firebase.js:311 FIREBASE WARNING: transaction at /Rooms/rooms/Lobby/alive failed: permission_denied

    O firebase.js:311

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    g.wd firebase.js:468

    Ce.wd firebase.js:370

    (anonymous) firebase.js:368

    fd firebase.js:324

    Ia.onmessage firebase.js:323

  • Its a much better multiplayer solution as i can see, however, The example capx didn't work, can't connect to server, i launched my own server, can't get connected either, any help?

  • tonypond , I can't open it since I don't have those plugins installed. But based on the gif, it looks like you are pinning objects to other objects that are also pinned. When you pin an object to another pinned object, you get a delay in the movement- This is a known limitation of how construct2 manages instances. The way to solve it is to only pin your objects to other objects that aren't pinned.

    Another possibility is that you're pinning to an object that is using a behavior that causes delays.

    Thank you Prominent, you are right, i had hands pinned to arms. while arms were pinned to upper body, thank you for your reply, appreciated it. i will disable position pin and add every tick maybe.

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  • Hi, Prominent, Thank you for this awesome plugin, i really loved it, however, i got a problem,

    As you can see, when the character was still, assets were pinned very well, but when the character was moving, its more like a rope style pin, i didn't select bar style nor rope style

    Below is my capx, but it requires rexrainbow's move to behavior and container plugin.

    Can you help please?

  • I will send you private messages

  • do you mean more slots in the store? I think you can use array to make scroll buttons. I had made a shop in my game, I use Json to load item information into array( item names,item animations, item price,etc). players have an array to store the items they bought.

    I wanted to show you a screenshot,but sorry I can't upload attachments

  • Everade i will setup my game with your ws sevrver now, i am so happy

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Member since 9 Apr, 2014

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