Jayextee's Recent Forum Activity

  • Ended up finding this topic after literally just having problems with a Y vector at high FPS myself.

    I've applied a fix (which was to multiply the vector Y value I was using by 60, then add a '*dt' to attempt to make it FPS-independent, despite my assumption that vectors already were), but my problem is that I can't personally test it; my screen only goes up to 60fps.

  • Hate to bump, sorry about that. Been setting up a new computer and one of my games uses this plugin, which I just tried to download right now.

    So Avast is going nuts when I try to download this from OP; apparently it's ransomware? If it's somehow been infected, any chance of a mirror?

  • Just voted 'yes'. I have a certain Wii U game made with Construct 2 I'd like to be bringing to XB1 at some point, so...

    - what features are you looking for? (e.g. leaderboards, multiplayer) - please post replies to this thread with what you want!

    Leaderboards, of course. They'll be my main focus; I guess indie titles are still not supported with achievements? They'd be nice. As would multiplayer as mentioned, and also sharing. Oh yeah, I definitely want players to be able to share moments in my games.

    - they're also looking for "developer quotes" - I guess if you really want it, just post a reply saying how badly you want it

    For many of us using Construct 2 to create our games, console is something of a primary goal; the platform already supports Wii U, and expanding our reach to XBox One will be a great boon indeed; making our games available to an even wider console-gaming audience.

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  • Just dropped in to update on N.E.O. - Near Earth Objects, as I put it on Steam Greenlight recently: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =431056946

    Which is another case of "hell yeah, C2 games on Steam!". <3

  • If you just sent your Windows PC games to one of these services, just post in this thread.

    Not 'just' sent, but my own N.E.O - Near Earth Objects has been up on itch.io for a while -- http://jayextee.itch.io/near-earth-objects.

    Created with Construct 2, of course. Using an older version of Node-Webkit though, because current ones tend to produce intermittent pauses on my computer; not great for testing, I can assure you. ^^;

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Member since 7 Apr, 2014

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