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  • I apologize to all for my part in the argument. I also thank those that helped. The copy/paste issue was never really meant to be the main focus of anything, it was a mention on my part to suggest that whatever the current deal is/was should be adjusted. I can open the HTML pages so can copy/paste in there just fine. I found the "invert" reference, it is under Conditions in the manual but it is still out of place in a code editor and easily overlooked by those who would know its normal use which is in graphical editors like GIMP. I admit that I did not read the Manual page for page. I read through the first couple of sections and then began to search out the portion that dealt with the area I was working on. Good tutorials should also explain what can go wrong and how to correct it as well which the ones I read don't. Everything is written from the point of view that the reader has complete understanding of the material which is almost never the case. I have one layout, am working on the art, story idea, reading tutorials, browsing the forum for info and practicing code block so I think it is quite natural to utilize the forum to help with a trouble area as well. What I felt like is that Mega saw the short number of posts under my avatar and marked me as illiterate based on that. Is all fine, I have worked with many programs and they all have their differenceces, code blocks just present a new set of problems to learn. I appreciate that Mega has a wealth of knowledge but I do not feel the need to bow down at ones feet to ask for it. Thanks to all and again I apologize to the board for my part in arguing.

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  • > Mega, you are a real treat. I am a college instructor (although not in computers or academics) and you strike me as the typical type of soul who cannot help anyone else because they are all beneath you while at the same time being the one who disrupts the class with your superior knowledge of all things.



    In that case, use your collage instructor power of deduction to solve the problem yourself.

    Nothing personal but you are a straight jackass Mega, do me a favor and go help someone else.

  • Phoenix thanks so much for the info on invert. I am only familiar with what that does in graphic editors and found it quite out of place in this setting. They should have just gave an option for "is" or "is not". very confusing in places but I imagine I will get it over time. Thanks again.

    Arima thank you as well. I am using the tutorial that sets up LOS to learn how to do this and later in the tutorial it names all of the objects again in Line of Sight. I can look at the options and change it for now as I don't want to move forward until I understand what is going on here. Thanks again.

    Ruskul Right on, This is a beautiful set up as far as people not having to code at all and other games have tried block code type interfaces. The problem is that it is way harder to try and comprehend how another individual has interpreted the way code should be layed out rather than see how it physically looks and works together. This is great but it would be much easier to understand if the block titles were a bit more precise in places. For instance the invert action. This is common in graphic editors but trying to see it as an or for is can be a bit of a stretch to most folks and these types of issues run throughout this editor. I still cannot get copy/paste to work properly (honestly I havn't tried again lately) but I will keep at it. Thanks .

  • I have basically copied the tutorial and it still does not work. If I am missing something it is something small and it is not in any of the tutorials. The only thing I don't understand is the red X in front of "is alerted" because nothing I chose in the options gave me that outcome.

  • Mega, you are a real treat. I am a college instructor (although not in computers or academics) and you strike me as the typical type of soul who cannot help anyone else because they are all beneath you while at the same time being the one who disrupts the class with your superior knowledge of all things.

    As for copy and paste it is not rocket science, I can use it fluently in most every program I have ever used - except this one. That may be my fault but it does not deter the fact that the method in use here is not in the mainstream or else it just does not like WIN8.

    As for reading tutorials I am quite capable of this and this is what irritates me about it. I had this working then rearranged some things and now it does not work. I have found that at times simply changing, adding or deleting code does not activate properly when testing the game. Its as if the whole thing is stuck in the previous scope and unable to update to the new commands.

    I just want to know why this does not work when every tutorial I have read says it should.

    I am trying to post the dropbox URL for the .capx but now I have to have 300 rep to do that, how in the world can one do what is asked of him when all that lies in the path are obstacles????? I figured out how to open the line code but it really does no good if I cant get the characters in the layout to obey them.

  • Dude, you got to go to manual and tutorials section and learn the basics of how editor works. You can drag and move, copy and paste, call functions and there is search too among many others.

    I appreciate the response but I have tried copy and paste ten different ways and being that thus is truly not a scientific issue in terms of user functions it stands to reason the system is flawed here by the fact that anyone should have to address this as a problem at all. Further more a tutorial of any kind should not be required for the most basic of functions, for instance ones they teach in grade school now. Also I do read the independent and highly scattered (topic wise) tutorials, I am knee deep in several right now so it does not seem unreasonable to me at all to ask for help or to make suggestions on certain things. I know about drag and drop with the icons and such but was unaware of this feature in the code blocks. Nice system and dude sorry if I caused you any grief by answering my humble post.

  • I thought I posted this from mobile but can't find it so here goes. It would be nice to have a simplified way to copy/paste code as well as organize or change the arrangement of the code at any line, between any line or move similar groups of code into groups within the code. I have found no easy way to do this with the blocks its like once its written its there and that's that, you have to actually re-write it if you end up with similar code scattered throughout an event sheet. It is possible to write the event sheet on paper first but in my experience the creative process does not stay within nice neat pre-ordained boundaries, something will always get added or changed in some way and being able to switch from blocks to line would help immensely with this. There is another editor that accomplishes this (I want to say it was AGS but don't quote me on that) and I remember that it was an invaluable asset when it came to troubleshooting, organizing, copy/paste and/or changing code in any way.

  • So I have V 163 apparently and these files are from V 166 or newer. How do I get a newer version download?

  • I have an enemy with LOS represented by one icon when it does not have line of sight but spawns two additional enemies on either side of it when it does have LOS. This works fine except the enemy ignores solid objects even though I have them specifically listed in the event sheet (it just wanders wherever it wants regardless of the terrain). If I try to move the player into the bottom half of this initial layout while the enemy is in the lower half of the layout the game goes into serious lag and eventually locks. This did not happen the one time the enemy was in the top half of the layout. I almost think this is tied to the LOS somehow. I placed the initial LOS sprite off screen because it seemed to be in the way when done otherwise (like there were two LOS at run time) and the tutorial says if the events are entered as I have them that the original is destroyed and the correct one spawned per the event code. How do I stop the enemy travelling and or spawning over solid objects (I have the same settings as the player and player works fine)? What is this terrible lag from in this one instance (game does not do this in any other situations)?

    I worked up the code here by following the tutorial nearly verbatim at "Pathfinding With Line Of Sight" by Wrangler in the tutorials section (beginners)

    I do not have status icons (ie, alert, etc.) so have only used an origin point, an anchor point (los_anchor) and two spawn points to either side of the original. After finishing the tutorial I now have two enemy spawns at start up (one stays stationary and the other moves in a straight line until it gets stuck), neither of them recognize the player at all (additional spawns should only happen after LOS is active as it is) and they still do not respect impassable or solid objects, they simply move wherever they want to.

    All help will be much appreciated

    Thanks in advance

  • I have searched the forums for a solution to this problem and could find none that dealt with this at a beginning level so I fiddled around till I came across this.

    If you add an object (sprite) to a layout in the editor then run preview but the object is not in the preview simply run the game in debug mode and click on restart in the debug window. This will update your current build to include the missing objects.

    Hope this helps some folks.

  • Yeah, I was deleting right in the editor. Actually I was cutting tiles. I wonder if I somehow this caused issues. I tried to open the.capx what program will do this?. Started again so will post better details if happens again.

  • Thanks folks, I appreciate the great feed back on this.

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