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  • I was working on my first layout, just putting in the turf and walls and things like that, nothing to crazy and the only behaviors were no save, solid and 8 direction. Everything was fine until I added scroll to to the character so I could move in preview mode. I was making edits but the preview was not updating so I started cutting items searching for what went wrong. This just caused the editor to say it was missing files but if I deleted the object that would be correct and there should be no problem. Thoroughly confused on this one so I deleted the entire layout and am starting over. Would like any insight into this issue so I can hopefully avoid this in the future. Is there a certain way that items must be deleted because the editor sure as heck doesn't like it when that happens, it refuses to update at all. You can draw an entire new map and it will play what ever one it got stuck on in preview.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Thanks to all. I have read some about persistent layouts, will look at more. If patching is not possible I wonder if there is any other way to save a players data from a previous release and import it into a new release. The eight levels advance the gameplay but would take some time to complete as one single release.

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  • I searched around a bit and could not find an answer (at least not in forum). I am working with the manual and tutorials but am curious about something before I go too far with my current idea.

    1- Are the games we make on Construct 2 patchable? I would like to make mine in about eight parts, releasing each part as it is completed and have it patched onto the existing game.

    2- I assume that we can move a player from one layout to another, much like changing the map we are playing on. Is this correct?


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Member since 3 Apr, 2014

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