ok so with this new update, i want to make a construct 3 project to read directly from .pyxel files
.pyxel files contain a json files with all of the information about my animations, where they start, end, their name, alpha, animation speed, width, height, etc...
and also all of the layers as separate png files.
So it would be technically possible to, and stop me if i'm wrong, open a pyxeledit .pyxel file, read all of the animation names and data, load the layer pngs one by one into a sprite, selectively export the animations as spritesheets with the drawing canvas and browser invokedownload, and then import into our games these animations very quickly with this new feature?
Use effects with .pyxel file palette data to replace colors and export variants automatically
export a single .zip file instead of spritesheets one by one, with a full folder architecture for the different layers so it'S easyer to drag and drop into the animation editor if animations are separated by folders