Multiple-Rooms Layout Template — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!
Hello everyone!
Here is the topic of my first asset : The Multiple-Rooms Layout Template. I made it in response to an issue that Scirra comrade Smileh had. The idea is to allow one to create the illusion of multiples layouts although there is only one. That is pretty useful for old-school platformer for example : it helps to build a coherent whole level instead of creating too much small layouts disconnected from each others. In fact, a lot of actual games are made this way, and not only platformers, like Zelda.
Anyway, the method I used is really user-friendly : You visually create your rooms with objects, and then the events handle the camera for a perfect illusion! You just have to respect some basic rules (given in the documentation) to make it work.
Try out the demo to see what it looks like in game!
Thanks to Kenney for his graphics that I used in my template! I think everybody recognize them anyway.
And that's all! Thanks for reading, and keep up creating!