Kalelovil's Recent Forum Activity

  • Disabling backups has not fixed the issue.

  • I seem to be having the same or a very similar issue to that described in this thread. After between 30 minutes and 5 hours of having Construct2 (steam) open, the interface will become extremely sluggish. A simple text entry will take 30 seconds to be processed.

    Alt-tabbing out and back in will result in the current interface 'operation' finishing, but the extreme sluggishness persists. Task manager shows no sign of excessive resource usage.

    This has persisted across multiple machines and projects for at least the last year. The only way to solve it is to close and reopen steam and Construct2.

    I have tried disabling auto-save as suggested by some in this thread, but that hasn't helped.

  • As I am also developing a tile-based wargame in Construct2, I am following this with interest.

    Good progress so far, and good luck with further development.

  • Put a 'System: Wait 0 seconds' after the Create Object so the object exists when the function is called.

    You can disregard the first printout of the array's UID. I put a battleAttackerArray:Destroy as the very first line, so there are no instances, and it still reports UID 1. edit: a 'wait 0' after the destroy fixed that.

    Thank you, that fixed the issue.

    It seems that using the battleAttackerArray:Destroy on the first line which fixed it. I can remove the 'Wait 0' after the Create BattleHolder and it still works.

    Does anyone know why the presence of the initial Array instance in the layout causes this behaviour?

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  • I have a Sprite object and an Array object.

    The Array object belongs to the container of the Sprite object.

    Within the event sheet, I create the Sprite object and Push several values onto the Array.

    I check the Array UID and Width and they show correctly.

    I then Call a Function, passing the UID of the Sprite as the parameter.

    Within the Function, I pick the Object instance by the passed parameter.

    At this point, checking the Array returns the original empty pre-container Array, despite the Sprite object container of the Array being picked.

    Is there something I am missing about the behaviour of Containers and object picking?

    Attached is a .capx example.

  • Is there an expression for the tab character, so that I can enter it into a text box through an "Append Text" action?

    I.e. An equivalent of the "\t" expression used in most programming languages.

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Member since 13 Mar, 2014

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