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    There is another argument to be had here.

    If we had Nintendo Switch support right now, how many games would make any money on that platform. The answer is probably not something people want to hear.

    It also works the other way around.

    Experienced developers do not choose an engine that can not support basic features.

    as a result, we do not see many popular games on Construct.

    I am an experienced game developer, working in gamedev for more than 15 years. Mainly as an Artist, 3D artist and Art Director.

    I think there is great potential in the Construct for creating my next project.

    but after a bit of research here, I feel sad.

    Killer features that must be in the engine are not only missing, but it seems developers are not going to make them. Never. This is not on the to-do list.

    So.. maybe I need to look for a programmer and work with Unity.

    You cannot even ask this company to switch from html to c++ for one platform, they will need to rewrite all stuff.

    Wiki says Construct is written in C++, JavaScript

    If this is impossible, it is impossible. end of story.

    but this does not change the result. Other popular engines did it somehow.

  • Try Construct 3

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    I described in detail the difficulties with implementing console support earlier in the thread. What do you expect us to do about it?

    I expect that the Construct team understands that this is must-have features.

    So, the team will look for possibilities to do this.

    Maybe in a collaboration with someone, maybe as support in porting some of the projects that are already profitable on Steam, maybe using crowdfunding ...

    Maybe this will happen not in a month, but after a year. step by step.

    I don't know..

    But Without these features, Construct is probably a dying engine.

    A 2D engine for indie with great potential, but not able to use the modern way of 2D animation and not able to release on one of the main platforms for indie.

    Nintendo don't currently support HTML5 games on Switch... You should ask Nintendo for HTML5 games support, since if they add that we can add support directly.

    So, the short answer is:

    We do not plan to do anything for this, the Construct will not support Nintendo Switch. Never. Ask Nintendo for this.

    And this answer is very disappointing. Of course, Nintendo will not change a successful console, for the sake of a small engine. I understand that you are a small team, but you are making an engine for indie developers and are not going to support the most popular indie game console? Seriously?

    This is the same when I read that the Construct, which 2D engine only, still does not support animation with deformation mesh.

    No wonder people choose a different engine. You do not even promise that features will appear someday in the future. Features that are just basic needs in other engines.

    I apologize for the tone.

    I really like the Construct.

    but these two missing features make me think not to develop a game project on it.

  • Thank you!

    I have to check the above and bellow as well. In other case player will sit after jump and hit the ceiling )

  • Short question: How can I check there is a solid object over the player head?

    I use simple Platformer Behavior.

    My character can sit and roll under obstacles. When the player sits down, I change the collision by changing the animation to another frame.

    Everything works well, except when a player can finish a roll in the middle and get stuck in the collision of tiles.

    I want to make the player sit while he is in a narrow pass, but I don’t know how to check whether the player has a solid object above his head.

    I know there is Platformer condition 'Is by wall' but somehow it checks left or right, not above.. (((

    thank you for any help!

  • Sorry for raising the old topic,

    but I ran into the same problem.

    I hope someone can upload the Project Resizer again

    or advise me how to scale a whole project to a new size.

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Member since 14 Feb, 2020

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