cbunbury20's Recent Forum Activity

  • tyvm so u guys think is the best develop once publish all solution! ill try it i just want to find something i can invest 3 years without fear of wraping stop working or technology getting outdated

    thank you

  • can you direct us into lua for 2d gaming tutorals buddy and will follow you right along, its so upsetting for so much things to miss work in mobile and i still dont understand not suporting coocon wich is oviouslly the best option we will have for a a while, and i was just adressing this in another forum, its no programming but to clone a ai character u need in 7 places of the game its gonna take u 3 times as much to copy the huge evente than to copy and alters lines of code, but something like the pathfinding i could never program myself so that why i dont want to abandon ship right away

  • lol gracias, pinche susto q nos dio!!

  • the problem buddy was that somehow in the ludei compiling screen it default to the latest compiler, with this one the 2.1.1 something will cause this error, for all apps, do it, with the 2.1 compiler and ur apps will run again, but will see for how long.... gut luck

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  • no tengo idea que pasa, y no parece pasarle a muchos, algo vi de q google blacklist a devices q usaban software render pero es absurdooooo por favor dime si lo puedes resolver

  • i guess, i compile like 20 times last night, 1 night with crosswalk saturday the others with coocon and since this mourning it would compile useless app wichs get block from running on android ans soon on install, i am shure scirra would take care of it in a few days but it is always scary

  • nada siempre me da gusto ver un hispano, tiene mucho pege el construct en chile q suave

  • de donde eres pinche sargas?!

  • this .


  • ok i guess ill abandon these, ill gonna try this solution and awessome capx!

  • awessomeee awesomme tysm u earning so much good karma!!

  • i could not put url cous new member so illl mask it is on dropbox




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Member since 1 Mar, 2014

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