cbunbury20's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello good mourning all constructers2, i was trying to implement the rpg walk like when u clic on screen and toon walks to it, i found the post with a great file and i was able to touch move my tooon on screen successfully

    but i wanned to implement a shooting mechanic, like on the binding of issac, in wich toon willl shoot bullets while walking, the problem i have is that when i clic on shooting button my toon walks to butons, and only shoots in that direction, so instead of walking arround and shooting, when i press shoot button just walks and shoots to the buttons!!

    heres da file: thank you very much for ur help and attention

  • thank you so much you are so kind

  • https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/32488642/plat/index.html[/code:3kpawt9s]
    it erase game link for being new user
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  • I discover construc a couple weeks ago after being dedicated to enchantjs for a year and i was quickly in love i been doing tutorials since and was starting work on a simple plataformer, most things working right but i have two problems wich i hope you can help me, here is the link:1. i added the scroll behavier to my character, but it would center it so it would put my interface moved upwards, showing a big white square half of the screen, i wonder if i could limit behavier so it will keep most of background on screen.

    2. I added some coins to pick up and a tokens variable wich shows on top left, i had this problem too trying to implement touch controls, where character moves, but it will leave behind, this coins display and the touch control, how can i keep them in their same spot on the screen at all times?

    in flash i would move all objects relating to the character, wich would cause 100s of ._x = char._x wich was a pain and this behavier seems magical, but i wonder if i shoul do something like that

    thank you so much and so happy to start to be a constucter!!

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Member since 1 Mar, 2014

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