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  • Hey All,

    As I'm working on my game, I've decided it's time to insert some Sound Effects and Music soon to get the "VIBE" of my game as I'm working on it, it is very weird when it's all silence.

    I was wondering about few things related to Audio in Construct 3:

    1 - Can I control the Location of the sound like in many other game engines? if the character is going to the RIGHT of the screen the sounds related to the character will PAN to the RIGHT as I want?

    or we don't have this feature?

    2 - Built-in Compressor or Limiter:

    As more and more Sound Effects overlapping each other at the same time + Music, it's natural that the music will pass the 0db limits to something that may sound unprofessional distorted and also, not recommended in any media.

    Do we have a built-in Limiter to STOP all AUDIO output to maximize it to -0.2db for example?

    what about a compressor to control the attack and release ratio?

    I'm aware it is not a professional music software, as I'm coming from this background but I'm curious about these features and how can I use them to make my game safe and more professional in the Audio department.

    I'll probably have more Audio questions later on, as I'm just starting to play with it now for the first time, but for now, I'll be happy to know about these 2 important features and how can I control them from the event sheet or properties?

    Thanks ahead and sorry about my bad English.

    Can't download from the windows store from web browser or from within Windows 10 built-in Store.

    It's stuck on "Working..."

  • Thank you for the example and the link, I will try follow them.

    I hope it won't be confusing as I think it is, but I'll have to try as soon as I'll get a chance. :)

  • Hello All,

    As I'm working on my game I will add more items, for start and easy testing I made 3 Items.

    When the character pickup the "Randomizer" (sprite) it will choose randomly from 1 to 3 of the items.

    The Items built from 1 Sprite, each Animation = Different Item. 3 Animations in total (for now)

    This is the current code I'm using (which works perfectly fine): [/img]

    The Items are supposed to be divided to 3 types, means 3 Sprites:

    - Items_Common (which is the current Item with the 3 Animations)

    - Items_Rare (I still didn't add it)

    - Items_Legendary (same, still didn't add it)

    My first approach is to make ALL the items (animations) in 1 Item: Common, Rare, Legendary but it's much easier visually for me to see 3 actual 3 items and import the animations for each instead of one Item with everything.

    Now for the Questions:

    Based on the code I show on the image above, How can I make the % of what item type will be spawned? for example:

    70% Chance = Common, 20% Chance = Rare, 10% Chance = Legendary.

    1 - How can I get this Chances to work to my decision based on these 3 different Item types (actual 3 sprites) ?

    The next issue: UNLOCK specific "ANIMATION" on specific sprite (Common, Rare, Legendary)

    This is probably much more complicated because I didn't make any Saving Data options for the game since I'm not sure which one to use for such thing.

    How can I make some Animations LOCKED (no chance to get them) UNTIL the player unlock it?

    And what if the player QUIT the game, will the Item stays unlocked or reset to LOCKED again?

    I'm sorry for the complicated explanations and my bad English, I hope that you can help me out here with these 2 questions, based on my information.

    Thanks ahead for your help, I can't wait to see your advice, suggestions and solutions, the more visual the easier for me to follow and understand since I'm still new to C3.

  • Hello All,

    As I'm still learning Construct 3 while making my first game, every session is getting more and more interesting and this wonderful community helps me in many issues, so thanks everyone!

    Now for my Questions:

    1 - Let's say I imported sounds, or graphics for sprites, but I didn't use some of them and forgot about them, is there a way to do automatic: "unused files" clean.

    This is how I work on some DAW and Animation software for years it keeps the files smaller and cleaner, so I had to ask if there is something like that in C3.

    2 - Once my demo will be ready, Will the .exe export (NW.js) create different directories / versions for each platform? Windows, MacOS and Linux? or is it a ONE .exe for all?

    3 - Let's say (in the far away future) I'm ready to publish my game to Steam or any other service.

    But then I found out that I need to fix bugs every now and then, more than once.

    Is there a Patch-Plugin or Export feature to make a Patch? or when I make a NEW version and Steam users will get automatically update?

    4 - Continue to the version Patch-Question above: Will users lose their saved files / saved progress or any saved data with every update?

    When I used ClickTeam Fusion 2.5 before I moved to C3, they had a light software that creates ONLY the small amount of the changes and compile a specific PATCH.exe light file instead of the ALL FULL FILE again. so I wonder how it works in C3 when it comes to updates and patches versions.

    5 - Can someone who already published a game to Steam please share the experience? was it complicated, was it easy? how was the "deal" between Steam and yourself, did they negotiate on a percentage or was it rigged as soon as you Paid the 100$ on the "Steam Direct" plan that replaced the old Greenlight?

    Since I have no idea how it works with C3 I hope that someone can explain how these things are working because I'm curious about it.

    Sorry about my bad English and thanks ahead and have a wonderful weekend! :)

  • Thanks everyone!

    I tried the different ways suggested here, and I found that the use of Boolean for overlapping was the easiest to use.

    I'm still curious why the "FOR EACH" didn't work, and wonder when I will need to use it if not in such case. I didn't find many video tutorials about it and the documents didn't really help me understand because I didn't come from a programing background I don't know much about loops in general but can't wait to start using them in Construct 3.

    So thanks once again everyone, this community is amazing! :)


    So after I removed the Function, I re-code the stop/freeze of the enemy, I didn't use "FOR EACH" and it works...

    So one issue solved, now every individual enemy collide with the player stops. [/img]

    But the other issue is still there: if the Player jumps on 2 enemies (normal collision) or 5 enemies, I will lose 2 HP or 5 HP!

    What I want: Lose only 1 HP if the player collide with any of this kind of enemy type "GooE" even if they are grouped together.

    So there is one solution mentioned with variables, but I wonder about different approach?

    can this be solved with the magic of "FOR EACH" ??

  • The function looses its reference to which instance was involved and therefore executes the action on all gooe objects.

    The second gif you posted, the point where you hit the second gooe, you actually hit 2. (I see 2 gooes behind one another)

    Also, in your events ... you have a timer on the player, then perform actions when the timer runs out on the gooes. those will effect all gooes as there is no reference to an individual one.

    Hey thanks for trying to help, I appreciate it.

    If you followed the thread you saw that even when I got rid of the functions, the result is the same. so it's not the issue.

    timer was on the function which are not relevant since I removed them for the sake of testing and I got the same result as you can see on the above GIF, so it's not where the bug is.

    2 hits, that's the issue... Player should hit once even if he jumps on 5 enemies.

    But again, why it works perfectly fine when I attack to reduce damage?

    when the player attacks 1 enemy, it reduce 1 HP, 2nd hit destroy it, but it won't destroy ALL ENEMIES which is exactly as it should be: individual for each enemy and I didn't put any code for it.

    While on collision, it will affect ALL ENEMIES instead of just the specific one... This is why I'm sooo confused.

    As a newbie, I'm guessing I need do something on the CREATE / SPAWN event to give each instance it's own ID? or something like that? again... I'm guessing.

    Is there an event I can add to the CREATE / SPAWN that will make each enemy individual?

    or it's not built-in and I need to do something more complicated with variables?

    Sorry about my bad English, thank you all for your kind help!

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  • here is an example in its most basic form


    Thank you for the example file!

    I don't see why it's not working on my code, maybe because there are more things like animations and stuff I even tried to look if I made any extra conditions that may clash, but nothing else.

    Even when I placed the enemies manually on the stage it's affecting all of them instead of each instance separately, but on my code I use System Create which in this test creates 3 enemies called "GooE". maybe that's the problem?

    But when I attack them, it works great... it won't reduce damage to all, but to each instance (and I didn't code anything special just reduced the damage) that's why I'm so confused now. :(

    In my game I must create / spawn the enemies randomly and not just putting them manually on the stage.

    So I'm guessing that's why "FOR EACH" isn't working, and it's not related to the function I did but it's only a guess... I'm still scratching my head while trying to think on a solution for this.

    Here are visuals of how it works on my current tests:

    When Player Attacks it works perfect: per instance. but when Player collide with the Enemy ALL Instances rracts instead of just the specific enemy: [/img]

    Also,it cause the 2nd issue which damage twice when collide with 2 enemies instead of just 1: [/img]

    If anyone have other ideas or suggestions, please share... I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, please have a look above on my other code tests followed to other suggestions.

    Thanks ahead!

  • Thanks for the quick reply!

    I lost you now, but I REMOVED the function since you said this is the issue, I got rid of it for testing.

    And both issues are still there, even when there are no functions at all.

    So... do I make it on the wrong order? [/img]

  • Thank you lennaert, your explanation is great for a newbie like me to start understand how "FOR EACH" supposed to work!

    I tried to follow your steps, but there is no difference. both issues are still the same as I described above.

    Can you see where I did the mistake on the image I attached? maybe the order is wrong?

    Thanks ahead! [/img]

  • I found out that it's a bit more complex than what I imagine.

    When I attack 1 enemy (2 hits = destroy for quick test) it dies, the rest keep moving around = GOOD!

    But... when I collide with 1 enemy, all enemies stops, change direction, keep walking (calls a simple function I made).

    So I have 2 issues now, and it's good to solve them before I'll add more enemies to the game to understand how to deal with it later, that's where I need your help.

    1# = As I posted originally, when the Player jumps to test collision with 2 enemies instead of hit once, both will damage at once = BAD (I need only one enemey to hit). gave a solution but I'm not sure if it's related to the 2nd Issue so I didn't use it yet.

    2# = I just described above (collision with 1 enemy affect ALL enemies).

    Are these 2 issues related and can be solved in the same condition, I'm a bit confused.

    I did try to use "FOR EACH" which I probably use totally wrong but it sounds like it could help...

    Dear dop2000 I bet you can solve this easily, you already helped me and many others so much!

    Can you please have a look on this post and share your advice / solution, example or visual image of how it's done will be very helpful.

    My wrong use of "FOR EACH" I just tried my luck since I don't know how to use it after reading about it. [/img]

    Example of the 2 issues mentioned above: [/img]

    Thanks ahead to anyone who can help! :)

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