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  • Thanks for sharing your example kriand I had a look at your file but since my code is much more complex, I'm trying to make this part clean as possible so my question is:

    Looking at my top example, how would you make it work without the "state" ?

    I'll do some tests but I'm trying to find an an alternative way more like in my code where I just put the animation changes without a state.

    I know that what matters is that it works or not, but still... it's my way of exploring and learning as I go. :)

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  • Thanks NetOne and kriand for trying to help! :)

    I'm afraid it is not because of wait v.s. timer in this case.

    I did some extra tests with Timer (just because it's more accurate and specific than Wait) but I get the same affecting ALL or only ONE enemy instead of EACH ONE SEPARATELY...

    I'm still scratching my head trying to find a solution, it must be some cool feature (loop or something) that I never used before since I'm still learning Construct 3.

  • Thanks for the advice NetOne it's working exactly the same, even if I switch the order BUT!

    I found that if I give them a longer wait 2-4 seconds, and shorter pick every 1-2 seconds, they start switching between them.

    It's not perfect but it works for now, I tested it with 4 Enemies, and then with something like 12

    The reason I'm saying it's not perfect is because it can randomly choose only once... the long wait delay gives a tiny spare illusion, so even with 12 enemies on the screen I can notice average of 1 or 2 stops.

    I also tried it without random, with shorter amount of seconds as well (1 second) so I know it's only affecting 1 at the time instead of POWER-UP the action on every single enemy separately.

    I'll try some more tests and maybe I'll get it, I think I'm pretty close to the solution but not there yet.

  • Hi All,

    So I'm making some tests to make my most simple Enemy acts a bit more random by stop, select random direction, then keep going.

    But, I want it to affect EVERY SINGLE of the enemies separate instead of ALL AT ONCE.

    So I've added FOR EACH GooE (enemy's name) but the result now is that it will affect ONLY ONE of them to do these actions, instead all of them at it's own time randomly.

    How can I make it so it won't affect just ONE of them but all of them in separate random time?

    Here is my first attempt with FOR EACH on this event:

    EDIT: I'm getting closer...

    So, I replaced the FOR EACH with 'Pick a Random' GooE, and now it works better.

    It's actually picking a random instance of the enemies, no matter how many I spawn which is great.

    But it's limiting to only 1 enemy at a time, instead of randomly affect the number of enemies or less.

    So if I have 4 enemies, I want it to affect more than just one of them at the same time:

  • Thanks for your advice!

    I didn't see a loading bar using F4, and the problem solved somehow... when I restarted Construct 3.

    Everything loaded smooth and fast with the sounds. I'm not sure what cause this I hope it won't happen again so I won't need to restart Construct 3 everytime while working on the game, I will have to see if this happens again or not, but from your explanation I understood that the sounds already pre-loaded so it can't be the reason, it's not loading it as I start playing.

    You did encourage me to explore how to make my own Progress Bar / Loading Layout as the very first screen of my game. I will check it out hope it's not too complicated to create.

    For now I have only 1 layout for the game itself, and many other layouts for sake of organization some of them have only the Enemies, Other have Items, so every one have it's own dedicated Event Sheet and all events included in the actual "GAME Stage" Layout, loaded at the top.

    It's a bit off-topic but I hope that I'm thinking correct about the order of my layouts:

    1 - Loading Layout = Custom progress bar & graphics, if I'll find out how to do that of course)

    2 - Main Title Screen Layout = Press START to play / Options / Credits etc..

    3 - First Stage Layout = Probably All X Stages in the same HUGE Layout, Camera will change direction to the other Stage.

    4 - Extra Layouts = Option Menu / Settings for different controls such as Sounds / Music / Full Screen etc.. I didn't explore this part yet.

    The thing is:

    I'm not sure if I'll even SEE the Loading Layout screen... since I only have 1 stage now, it will probably faster and skip it right away.

    Is there a way to cheat and SEE the Loading Layout Screen when running the game? some kind of secret debug-cheat? maybe... using "wait" ?

    What do you think, also if you have any tips related to this I'll appreciate it.

  • So... I couldn't sleep before I solve this issue, I played around and I found a creative way to make it work, using animation frame. I could compare it to any number of animation of the "BREAK" animation sequence and it will play it once perfectly as many times as I need for multiple boxes.

    I would like to share this simple solution:

    But I'm afraid that now I have a total NEW bug, I never had before until the point I added these few sound effects.

    I noticed that my game suddenly drop frames here-and-there, it was stable 140+fps or 60fps on full screen.

    And now, I see that the CPU (I have it on my other monitor) is going crazy to 40%-60% while it was on 4%-5% as I played the game.

    Is it a known issue? do I need to do something like preload the all stage before with all the sounds?

    Just to be clear, I'm not working on the Browser, I'm using only the Windows Desktop Version (latest stable, not beta).

    Any ideas why these dropping frames happens?

  • Thanks for taking the time and making an example!

    I tried to simplify it like in your example, but I get some weird result now it only sometimes... play a destroyed sound, and sometimes none.

    I got rid of the "choose" to make it just playing 1 sound to be sure but same result.

    I also tried to walk around using a Boolean of true / false but I get the same result as well.

    It's already too late for my brain to try figure it out (about 3:32am) so I guess I'll try it in another time, I didn't realize it will be so complex but maybe that's a good thing, more dynamic options to play with, once I'll get the hang of it. :)

  • After I changed the order as you suggested, it's playing only once but... any other crates I destroy after the first one won't make sound, so it's REALLY triggering once, and that's it.

    Oh my! I have so much to learn... sorry for the confusion, I'm trying to learn as I go.

  • Thank you so much for your kind help!

    I'm still not used to the new forums, this is what I do for the images:


    but it's not really working, I probably do something wrong that's why I added the space, so it will be clickable. (I can't even show that I use the img open and close here, I tried to edit but no luck)

    EDIT: OK, got it Scirra needs to fix the top icon shortcut for images because it's:


    About the destroyed crate: I have the crate it's dedicated destroy event on a different event sheet, and it uses the built-in Destroyed when the fade out is finished. as you can see on the image attached.

    it's destroyed for sure because before that I could see the latest frame of the crates pieces.

    What else can I try?

  • Thanks for the help!

    So, I tried to do what you suggested on the HIT (only once) and it didn't work with the invert sub event and the one after.

    But it did work just with the simple Trigger Once at the end of the event.

    The other problem, I hope I can describe it with my bad English:

    When the crate breaks it's hp <= 0 it plays the "Crate_Breaks" tag (since I have few files, same with the hit).

    The problem is if I keep Attacking (it's a melee sprite attack playing), I can hear the Crate destroyed more than once, I did use the "Trigger Only Once" so it works for the part of not repeating it 60fps but when I keep attacking while the Animation of the Breaking Crate is playing... it will play the "Crate_Breaks" audio again...

    So it does Trigger Only Once related to how many times it plays when I first destroy the crate, but not Playing Once even after the Crate is already destroyed.

    While I'm playing around with invert options, I attached the current condition so you can have a look:[/img]

  • So the first issue I'm having is when my Player Hits more than 1 crate at the same time:

    The volume is Xdb + Xdb for each Crate, it sounds too loud for sure.

    But when hitting just one crate it sounds perfect.

    How can I make it so it will only play 1 "Crate_Hit" SFX a time, instead of all damaged crates at once?

    Thanks ahead!

  • Thank you for the fast reply I appreciate it!

    I will check it out and do some tests soon. :)

    If I'll have more questions related to Audio, I'll update here.

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