kgish's Recent Forum Activity

  • I have Ubuntu and want to launch Construct 3 directly from my launchpad bar instead of having to start up the browser first, is this possible?

  • In my game a ball is to be launched at a given speed and angle taking into account friction, etc. As speed and angle are adjusted, I would like to indicate dynamically in advance with a dashed line, the proposed flight path based on these constraints. How can I do this?

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  • Sorry, my bad. By "dynamic image point" I mean that a new image point is created at the point of contact.

  • I would like to "stick" two sprite objects together at the point that they collide using a dynamically created image point on the collided object and pinning the colliding object to it at that point. Is this possible?

  • I would like to "stick" two sprite objects together at the point that they collide using a dynamically created image point on the collided object and pinning the colliding object to it at that point. Is this possible?

  • Alright, I get the hint ...

  • Are there any plans to provide a types file to assist those wanting to use TypeScript to hook into the SDK?


  • Will it work with Construct 2/3?

  • Please share some of the code you've done so far so that we could understand better what you are trying to do?

  • Hi Ashley.

    Might you consider opening up certain parts of the codeline and make it available to the community?

    I'm sure that this could ease certain bottle necks and speed things up greatly, for example the IDE.

    And I am certain there are some enthusiastic folks out there with JavaScript expertise who would consider it an honor to contribute stuff.

    You can include me as part of the list.

  • What a cool game! Did you really make all of this using Construct?

  • Perhaps using a player box sprite and check for collision with family?

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Member since 27 Dec, 2019

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