i have to be honest i didn't find any implement for the custom actions, is just functions with owners, glad that functions are so versatile and powerfull, now this instance signal will be amazing, i'll give the custom actions a second chance.
the folder update with the offline options are great features!! it will make working with teams and big projects a lot easier.
but thinking in vectors, why don't just update destinations on delta? so basically
if CurrentDestination != FinalDestination != StartingPoint then delta FinalDestination, so they will move in a predictable way only if the destination is not the starting point (they reached destination) or have a different target to move to.
crashes with something called "wi is not defined" on tiledbg
i really love the path of herarchy with parents and childs!! wanted this one for a really long time! keep the good work
im the only one with endless minifying?
hold on a momment... you can team work with construct? i thougt it wasnt implemented yet and only one can be using the same file at a time
wasn't easier just keep increasing and not reuse numbers? so that way you will always know that a higher number is a newer instance?
dont understand why random ID's are better. what does it helps?
If you love templates then i recommend you to go to the store, there are thousands of complete games ready to deploy or moddify, also there is more options in the internet like the evantomarket, construct has a lot of template makers in the web.
did you mean templates?
nice end of year! happy december!
is there going to be a "on collision" trigger for the svg elements?
my two fav things coming to construct T.T svg and asynchronys stuff. what a lovely day to be alive
:o i tottally forgot about my game here lol sorry i dont understand what you say :(
Member since 17 Feb, 2014