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  • mitchellfranklin

    I have some problems with fonts on C2...

    It can be used only Arial and if i want SanFrancisco (official iOS font) i can use it as webfont (has some issues on iOS) or as spritefont (its not flexible).

    Can we with this tool maybe change arial font to default iOS font somehow on C2 export?

    Hi, No thats not what this tool is designed for; its designed to easily use Corodva to create hybrid applications

  • Hi, Did not see any more detail regarding this and since Visual Studio doesn't seem to update I thought I would make one.

    Its in beta and will be released next week so if people are interested I will post a link.

    So what does it do?

    *Create a New Cordova Project.

    *Open an Existing Cordova Project.

    *View an Update base Settings.

    **View and if required edit the configuration with custom requirements.

    **Gui Handles most of these already

    *Add/Remove Plugins.

    **If Plugins have specific preferences available these are automatically added i.e. splash screen will add all available options for you to just customise + additional images.

    *All Standard Plugins available to add by default, custom/third-party plugin are also able to be added

    *Add/remove Platforms

    **iOS and Android

    **Windows is coming in the future

    *Versions and Targets

    *Run the project

    **This allows you to run and test easily.

    *Checks for dependencies

    **If one or more Checks for dependencies are not available at startup the welcome screen will advise and by clicking the required area these can be installed in one click “Excluding Node which is Manual”

  • Hi Dev's,

    The sample Ive been using during my investigation is the Flappy bird example from Construct as I needed to make sure my development was not the issue - though I admit I have to re-write it as i should of used families so have made it more complex then needed so not good to test with.

    You can gain access to the build files at This is using standard construct process.

    I have found that for Android specifically the Cordova export appears to work OK from android 5.0 upwards on Nexus - though sometimes it fails but lower versions on devices like samsung or nexus or same/higher versions on non nexus devices still have the same issue.

    When using ludei or Phone gap I cant get it to work at all via Android or OS; I had made contact with intel xdk dev's as this issue is not just apparent with ludei and we looked at it for a couple of weeks but they could not find anything on there side that would cause this "How true is this i don't know".

    One of the dev's pointed me in the direction of GDevelop to check there example and export to see if I had the same issue and sad to say when I executed the builds out to ludei, phone gap or intel it worked one the OS devices i have as well as Genymotion for different versions of Android.

    So in saying that i may have nothing to do with ludei or others it may be an engine output from Construct that is causing this.

    Please let me know anything I can do to assist.



  • ejecta looks good but only does IOS and is non windows - is there something like this for windows as well as similar for android?

  • This appears to be the issue for not just intel but also phonegap and CocoonJS - emulators are reading it correctly but once it is built there is nothing - hope the devs can assist

  • Hi Dev's,

    Have been running through debug and think I may of found an error that could cause this, I am using the latest stable release so no sure if it is fixed in daily builds.

    the error I have found is

    JavaScript Exception (Line: 2 Tag:'script'): SyntaxError: Unexpected Token '<'

    Could you please let us know?



  • Hi All - Im also getting this - I have used intel XDK and emulator works fine but when loading it onto a device that is not a nexus all i get is the splash "If i have set it" and then a blank screen - this is also the case with phone gab. not sure what is going on but I hope its something so minor "Even used the template games to make sure its not me" am also getting the results for Android via crosswalk

  • There are two ways to do this in intelXDK but the below process is the simplest of them

  • Damn. I guess you deleted the XDK project before recreating it? Othrwise IDK

    Just to check its not something in my game I built the flappy bird example that Construct provides and it has the exact same issue, so I know its at least nothing to do with what I have done so must be the new Intel XDK.

  • What I normally do is create the project in the XDK, they export to the www folder of that project. I don't think that's the official way but it works for me.

    Still the same result even doing it this way it makes no sense

  • You're possibly not exporting to the www subdirectory of the XDK project.

    I thought that as well, I followed the new process of importing an existing html file and found that this does not create the www directory, even went as far as doing in the original way of replacing the folder's www contents with the exported data but still had the issue after the build

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Member since 11 Feb, 2014

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