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  • hello, I also have the same problem, the updates made after the r344.2 version caused several bugs in my ready-made games and also in the game that I've been developing since the beginning of the year. Ex: enemies patrolling and locked to the wall, traps not responding to event commands, etc. I know of another DEV who is having the same issue. Because of that I'm having to transfer the games to the stable version r344.2 and it's giving me a lot of work. I hope they fix this.

  • I have a condition that says when X object collides with X solid (wall/door) to trigger X actions. It would seem that this latest update has affected how objects collide with solids. It has completely broken my game I've spent months on. Is anyone else experiencing this?

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  • As you can see in the image, as soon as we rotate the screen, this happens. Remembering again that it only happens on the Iphone X and probably should happen on similar models as well.

  • Hello friends!

    I am developing a game in portrait mode with the resolution (720x1280) on C3, however when exporting it to html5 and testing on Iphone X when I turn to landscape mode it is all broken. Has anyone ever experienced this?

  • woll, it worked my friend !! I've been with this problem for 2 weeks, I can't thank you, thank you very much !!!!

  • I'm trying to install the GD( Game distribution) sdk plugin in my new game made in construct 3, but as soon as I do the installation the game doesn't work anymore! it seems that it blocks the execution, I made all the configurations according to the guidelines of the GD website, but without success, I sent several emails and nobody answers me !! anyone else with this problem?

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Member since 9 Dec, 2019

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