On Collision with Solids is broken after latest update

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  • I have a condition that says when X object collides with X solid (wall/door) to trigger X actions. It would seem that this latest update has affected how objects collide with solids. It has completely broken my game I've spent months on. Is anyone else experiencing this?

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  • It seems that anything containing "On collision with: (object with the solid behavior)" is no longer working. This is a huge problem.

  • You can make a small demo project in an older version of Construct. If it works there and doesn't in the latest release, then it's definitely a bug and you should report it:


  • I have a condition that says when X object collides with X solid (wall/door) to trigger X actions. It would seem that this latest update has affected how objects collide with solids. It has completely broken my game I've spent months on. Is anyone else experiencing this?

  • hello, I also have the same problem, the updates made after the r344.2 version caused several bugs in my ready-made games and also in the game that I've been developing since the beginning of the year. Ex: enemies patrolling and locked to the wall, traps not responding to event commands, etc. I know of another DEV who is having the same issue. Because of that I'm having to transfer the games to the stable version r344.2 and it's giving me a lot of work. I hope they fix this.

  • They will not fix this unless you file a bug report.

  • It seems that anything containing "On collision with: (object with the solid behavior)" is no longer working. This is a huge problem.

    I just tried it and it's working fine. I've also not seen anyone else reporting the same problem.

    As ever it's impossible to help unless you file an issue providing all the necessary information.

  • I just found the same problem with a box sprite with a solid behavior added to it. It's really frustrating. Is there some way to simulate a solid behavior?

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