lamar's Recent Forum Activity

  • In the 8 Direction Behaviors you can set SET ANGLE to No or to angle you are using.

  • For a limited time I am accepting C2 games of the best quality for my Pinball and Video Arcade website.

    You will need to have your game uploaded to the Scirra arcade and set so it can be linked to or uploaded to your website and provide me the html5 link. Games with advertising accepted.

    Also provide pics of game screens and an animated gif of the game in action if possible.

    You will get your own game page and a write up in the website news announcing your game.

    I have over 83,000 subscribers and a huge social network I will be promoting this new website to when I have enough games to make people happy.

    Games that are a work in progress will be considered if game is playable and high quality. Games looking for greenlight on Steam or free or for sale as a stand alone will all be considered. You must be the copyright holder and have any appropriate licenses if game is for sale.

    PM me if you have a game you want considered.

    Visit Website:

  • Tom &@Ashley

    Another suggestion for additional revenue that would also be a great selling point for game designers that have their own websites.

    Let designers put a custom logo on the game upload HTML5 screen that will show on their website.

    The screen you have does not entice our followers to try a game as they have no clue what the game is about from this screen and all the games show the same screen which confuses people.

    Something like this is how I would like to see my games when someone visits my websites:

    That tells my viewers what the game is about before they try it. You could still have a smaller Scirra banner underneath to advertise your Scirra website and products. It would also be great if that could be an animated gif so viewers get a taste of the game in action before starting to play.

    It would be great if this was free but I would pay a small fee for allowing me to put a personalized image in my game open screen in place of the Scirra logo and those of us with websites that work like an arcade would probably very much appreciate that.

    I hope you will consider this change!

    • Post link icon

    I think people are getting way too excited over something you haven't even seen yet.

    They will have a free version to try so no reason to complain about that price and it sounds more like this version is for ******** designers that want to make money designing for mobile and consoles so they may not mind doing a subscription for those options.

    Scirra is a business and has ongoing expenses so of course they expect to make some money and like any business product they will have to see what the market bears and if it is priced too high or the subscription is not what customers want then they may have to rethink their marketing strategy.

    I am more concerned that C2 is not forgotten as many of us are using that engine and want ongoing support for that engine and our games.

  • Should work. Check your layout names.

    WINNERS quotes and excellent score

    You have to reset TRIGGER =0 after you go to your score layout or it will just repeat.

    If the second one isn't working then check that SCORING is actually being changed when you kill an enemy.

    If you want to upload your capx I will look at it.

  • lamar text boxes like these should show up even without any text in them, like web form boxes.

    Oops my bad- I thought he was doing a standard text. Yes the box should show up. Shows up on mine.

    I just tested a text box in my game in NW.jS to make sure and it works.

    Could be you have something moving to the top of the layer covering the text boxes when the mouse is not over them?

    Would need to see a capx but does not look like a bug.

  • i've just made a bunch of text boxes in a new project with nothing in the project.

    Well seems like it is a problem from my side.

    here's an image of the problem. It's pretty simple.

    OK I looked at the pic and it looks like you don't have any text in the boxes so of course nothing will show up?

    Put some text in your boxes and try it.

    That is not a bug and you might want to move this to the HOW DO I SECTION.

  • Looking great! Did you get the issue with snapping of new tiles figured out? It looks like it from the image above.

    UPDATE: I finally figured out how to do a Snap To Grid Feature in the game so now you can place tiles easily and they snap together perfectly.

    Just have to change about 200 events so they use the snap now thanks Burvey

    Just kidding and it does really help with designing the layouts so everything looks smooth.

    I hope to have this major update with over 200 platform objects uploaded tomorrow.

  • Every 30 second is the Event and checking the triggers are subevents under that event

    Right click on your event and add subevents.

  • OK I think I figured out this problem and it is a bug of sorts.

    I am using huge wallpaper images for backgrounds and when I loaded them in the editor warned me they were extremely large. So I used the size controls in the sprite editor to make them smaller and they all appeared to be working correctly in the layout and game.

    When I opened the capx the next time all of those images in that sprite had reset to the original size of the original wallpaper but the image would not stretch to fill the sprite and appeared cut in half in the layout.

    Why I don't know but when I reduced the image in the sprite to a smaller size and stretched it in the layout it went back to normal and is showing the whole image.

    So, lesson learned that if you use huge wall papers for sprites they may appear to work and show up properly in the layout but when you open that capx the next time the sprite may appear cut in half so use smaller images for backgrounds and reduce them before loading into your sprite or you will be pulling your hair out.

    So it is a bug but not a serious one and I am able to continue my work on this game whew!

  • UPDATE: I uninstalled and reinstalled R239 and still same problem?

    It appears that C2 layout is considering these a tiled sprite when they are not and this is only affecting them in the layout screen not when the game runs or the sprite is viewed in the editor.

    I copied the image to a tiled sprite and it is also showing gaps and only showing the image on the left and then a gap where it should tile on the right.

    If anyone has suggestions for fixing it I am all ears as this is a huge sandbox game and I do not want to start over because of a stinking sprite that won't do what it is told to lol!

    I still believe it is a bug related to an earlier crash which would mean something in windows 10 failed and is refusing to work in C2 possibly?

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  • Tom & Ashley

    I have noticed the arcade server gets a lot of traffic and will at times slow to a halt when uploading or viewing a game and we get 404 and other errors quite frequently which is frustrating to players and designers.

    I have notified Tom and he has said he is looking in to the issue and they are aware that the server is probably overloaded and needs an update and server updates are expensive.

    I would like to suggest some ways to extend the use of the present server and for Scirra to make additional revenue from the arcade to put towards server updates and maintenance:

    1- There are probably many games that never get played after uploaded taking up space. I suggest any games not played after 30 days you notify the game owner that the game will be deleted and then delete. They can update and reupload if it is that important.

    2- Limit new game designers without experience points to 5 game uploads. They can replace a game that is not getting played. Limit all game designers to 10 uploads and maybe offer a price service for more than 10 game uploads.

    3- Allow paid advertising in the side bars of games. Games advertisements must be created with C2. Allow other paid advertisements for outside games at your discretion.

    That would reduce the space used on the server increasing reliability and the extra revenue would allow Scirra to buy servers and do maintenance that keeps the arcade working and popular.

    Just my opinion and if there are other suggestions put them in the comments.