speedstr's Recent Forum Activity

  • Also check to see if stepping mode is enabled, if you're using a movement behavior.

    Ok. I'll read up and that and let you know. Thanks

  • Do these objects have Solid behaviours?

    Have you set both of their collision polygons correctly?

    They both have solid behaviors.

    Basically 2 separate square objects and the polygons are at maximum

  • when one object hits another object, how do I prevent them from "melding" together instead of just stopping at each others edges?

  • What I'm looking for is the same action from an old 80's arcade game called pengo.

    I'll try the MoveTo or TileMovement functions. Thanks

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  • Hey dop. That the example I'm looking at already. So what would I do to make it so those chest, when touched move until they touch another object. Maybe some type of bullet action?

  • To be clear. I'm not trying to build a game yet. I'm just starting out and I'm using an example that pushes

    Blocks in 4 different directions. So how would I add an action that when I touch an object it slides across an area until it touches another object?

  • sigh, never mind.

    I could have looked up any of the information that people have referred to just by using Google.

    I was hoping that the people who replied saying they have made money actually had some of their own examples but I guess not. And I thought it was a simple, easy question that I really had no ill will when asking.

    Just close this thread or delete it.

    getting the Run around is strong on this forum.

    On a side note;

    Thanks ARCADE for being the only one who not only is proud of what they have accomplished but are not ashamed to share your insight on how you did it.

  • yea, that really wasn't helpful at all.

    ok. I get it. No one ( well, almost no one) wants to show that they've made any money using construct2 even though they have said they've made money. i was sort of hoping for a webpage, facebook page, app store statistic or something. I get it....sort of.

  • umm. yea, everyone that has replied except Arcaded have given examples of someone else supposedly making money. Doesn't anyone have their own examples?

    I really didn't think this was going to be such a hard question and was not meant to be taken as an insult.

    i was kind of expecting a ton of people excited enough to show their progress but it seems everyone is on the defense.

  • ArcadEd

    Thanks for the info.

    I don't know why people are so scared to show any proof that they have made money. it's not like anyone is going to steal your credit card number.

    I mean. If you have something in the app store why would you NOT want to share that? If you've made money why would you NOT want to let people know? heck, if I made even $2.00 I would be jumping for joy and letting everyone know about it.

    All I'm asking is if there is anyone willing to show proof that they've made money with this program. You act as if I'm raping your daughter or something.

    and yes, if you can't show any proof then my only conclusion if you say you have made money is that you are not being truthful.

    you guys say that it's about the game, not about the program. Well of course it's about the game. Just show me the game you've made money with. that's all I'm really asking.

  • anyone have any proof?

  • Just curious

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Member since 11 Feb, 2014

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