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  • thegodo

    link updated

    Thanks R0j0.

    Very appreciated.

  • sorry dont have this effect anymore (format c)


    > > i use this on layout properties and works fine. Thanks

    > >

    > Could you reupload this, please?


    Anyway, thank you for answering, Delgado.

  • It breaks the physics sim if you change the size of a physics object. Use another non-physics object to cover the gap.

    Hi, R0j0hound.

    Could you reup the capx again, please?

    Anyway, thank you.

    <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

  • Anyway, thank you, matriax.

  • matriax - Did you fix the black background? I mean, without using the additive blend mode.

  • There was a last-minute issue that also affected C3. I've updated the r248 download to correct it. If you re-download and reinstall r248 it should fix it. Can you confirm this works?

    A big "thank you" from here, for still being updating, fixing and upgrading the great C2. I know C3 is now a priority, but you are here with this. Don't give up with it, Ashley.

    Thank you, again.

  • Thanks Untune!

  • i use this on layout properties and works fine. Thanks

    Could you reupload this, please?

  • Yesss I think you strike home (I think its well writed XD ).

    I'll study your example. It looks like the best way, I guess.

    Thanks again, master.

  • Thanks LittleStain, but the desired result is like is that light were behind player all time, with all its original shinning.

    With this method I cannot see a good path to achieve it. Perhaps, I personally can't get it.

  • Sorry I'll try to not bump again.

    Due to your answer I am thinking about if it's a mistake use Paster plugin only to achieve a light system. A brilliant light effect is what I'm trying to achieve. Simply, a TV shining in the dark, but if you walk in front of the Tv, the light remains behind the player. Am I explaining well?

    My reason for Paster is that in the game, lights will be lightning the room where you are and the walls behind player, but not the background such as sky or mountains.

    I am thinking this is impossible even if you are using a traditional light system, this is:

    Layer 0: -

    Layer 1 : Light

    Layer 2: Darkness

    Layer 3: Player

    When you want player walk above the light, you have to move Player lo layer 0, but whit this, Player will be lighted with no darkness.

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  • R0J0hound? Can you throw some light over this, please?

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