So, I have a single text box. and a single button next to it. I have several "Grid" sprites on a layer underneath the main Layer. Each of the Sprites is 'named' the Grid square that it represents, (st2345, st2346, st2347, Etc.) So my conundrum is...
How do I get the Player to input the 'grid' into the text box, and then when they press the button next to the grid square, it will start an event which [would include creating a Sprite, which is remarkably shaped like a Bomber, fly in from off screen towards the 'grid sprite' identified and carpet bomb the 'grid sprite' in question?
I have all the relevant sprites animated, the bomber the carpet bombing animations, i just need help with linking the action of writing in the text box, and 'launching' the attack. Hope this clarifies it a little more. In my amature amatureish understanding of the coding and event process, I reckon it would be easier to target a sprite with the grid name rather than creating an algorithym that identifies coordinates into grid spaces.
This game and process will hopefully be used to help learn and practice four figure and six figure grid reading.