I have a question about the timeline feature.
I'm trying to make changes to keyframes in my animation. When hitting 'S' to save the changes, Construct only saves the changes for one property and ignores the rest. I'm making this topic because I'm not sure if this is a missing feature or am I just lost here myself.
Problem Steps
1. Make a simple sprite object and new timeline animation where you animate it.
2. Do a simple 3 keyframe animation where you change Y, Width and Height properties.
3. Now go back to the second or first keyframe and change the Y, Width and Height and placement of your object.
4. Hit "S" to save your changes to keyframe. -> Only the Y property is saved.
I can save Width and Height changes with right click, but only one at the time. This means that for example if I want to animate something squishing I would have to first animate width property, then save. Only after this I can then animate height property. I would assume there should be a way to save all the changes in the keyframe at once.
So am I missing something here or what?
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Thank You
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