Iolva's Recent Forum Activity

  • Really nice graphics!

  • Already fixed in the next build. Thanks!

  • JamesXXXYZ Thanks for the advice, it's going to be fixed in the next beta!

  • ryanrybot

    Thanks a lot!

    Let me know if there is a way to return the help!

  • ryanrybot I already know that issue, I will try to fix it!

    Thanks a lot!

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  • Hi

    I'm glad that there's a lot of things you liked

    But let's focus on the other ones :/


    1. The player is not bound to the view

    If I bound the player to the view the player could not jump higher than the layout size, so I decided not to use it, I thought that if you walk to the left with no reason you deserve to die haha , but since you are not the first one to "complain" about that I will fix it

    2. Enemies

    I will fix it


    1. API Level

    Android is so fragmented. First I was thinking in release the game for Android 4.0+ but there are way to much slow devices (even some devices running Android 4.2 are so slow). I tried to optimize the game the best I could but sadly it's not enough for those devices

    I strongly believe that it is better not allow an user with a slow device to get the game instead of give a really bad experience for them and a bad rate for me

    So, I believe that the only way to guarantee a good performance is asking for at least Android 4.4+ (but just for Toby's World, the next games are going to be released for Android 4.2+)

    2. Signs

    The game have signs with the "Do not show again" option, like the one that says: "TOUCH THE FIRST PLANET TO START YOUR ADVENTURE!", but I don't really thing that the way signs are shown during the levels are really a problem, besides there is only a few of them

    And I will try to be more clear about the information displayed

    3. Unlock Worlds

    That's already done but during the beta testing I set every world and level unlocked

    The worlds have a small lock on top of them and it will be removed after you finish the last level of the previous world, that way there is no confusion at all about which world is next

    I just want to said thank you for help me!

  • Thank you so much for your review, you make me view my game from a completely different perspective

    That's enough for now. Let me fix a few things and I will let you know tomorrow about everything you wrote

    Thank you again :p

  • Well, I think it's going to be tricky to make the card text more readable without losing the nice pixelated style of the cards

    But like I said, it's just my idea. The card text size is not an impediment to play it!

    You know, I still play Yu-Gi-Oh! on my free time , so I like this kind of games.

    Let me know when it's finished!

  • First, it looks awesome, very nice graphics!

    I really think you should have a tutorial level, hmm, how about the first time you play "Card Wars"? That's a very nice example

    Being honest, I have some problems to read the texts of the cards, they are way to small.

    I will play it more later

    Did you do everything alone?

  • Wow!

  • Any updates?

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