1. Export your Construct 2 via Intel XDK + Crosswalk as you did before
2. Unpack .apk into folder
3. Decompile AndroidManifest.xml
4. Change permisions
5. Recompile AndroidManifest.xml again. But now its not "signed" anymore, and won't instal on mobiles.
6. Get it "signed"
7. Pack the files back into .apk again and get the .apk "Zipsigned".
The last two step can be done with this tutorial: ... id-app-apk
Took me about an hour to finish.
1. Pinpoint Crosswalk HQ
2. Put it on fire <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_evil.gif" alt=":evil:" title="Evil or Very Mad">
3. Refuse to put down the fire untill they'll come up with a solution or means for us to change the permisions setting by ourself.
Can you be more specific about the Method #1:, steps 3, 4 and 5?
I have to say that I like the method #2 <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">