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  • Hello! I've been trying to show ads on my IOS app, currently live on store, for me is very important to show ads, is the only way to get more words and continue learning vocab. But for some reason no ads are showing :(!

    I started my layout by requesting IDFA then on configuration complete I create rewarded video.

    and trigger it with a sprite and show video advert. but when transfering to xcode. I can preview it on the emulator but on my real phone, is not showing a thing:(! what's going on?

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  • Hello! I've made an app (not a game) lol. Is a language learning app XD made using Construct3, isn't it ironic? anyway, I've set my product id name on google dev console. then I've called the product on start of layout

    Then on touch of the specific button, I've created the purchase, like this:

    But for some reason is not working.

    I've downloaded the test version from the play store and it doesn't work. only works on the final apk released? how can I verify? thanks!

  • I have been trying to find info, I even found a post with many threads, and peoeple screenshooting the app showing stuff that my construct doesn't have XD for example.

    On start of layout, if is Android or IOS? I can't even see those options.

    My concern is, I'm about to finish my game and I don't want to break rules, how do I implement gdpr? is this function built-in construct? or do I have to make some magic? please explain me a bit :)! thanks in advance!


  • Hello! I have a Lovely Candy Spite, with 5 independent Frames (5 colors) and I'm Spawning these candies from another object.

    I've also a global variable called candyRandomizer wich has a default 0 value. Everything great from here :)

    Right now I have the condition that once started the layout the candyRandomizer global variable should change randomly to a number from 0 to 4 with round(random(0,4)) which are all the 5 frames the candy sprite has :). This is the candy that should get to the end, and i have to destroy the remaining 4. Once 10 points are reached the candyRandomizer changes to another random number, which includes the same one selected previously.

    My question is, there's a way to randomize but block previous selection until you reach the next 10 points?

    for example

    game starts: candyRandomizer variable = 0

    then 1 sec later candyRandomizer = 3 thanks to round(random(0,4));

    after 10 points

    candyRandomizer = round(random(0,4)) but avoid repeat previous number (3). So could be 0,1,2,4.

    After another 10 points could be now any random number but not the previous random number. And so on! :)

    Thanks for your suggestions!

  • Thanks a lot this solved my issue:D yeyyy!!!

  • Hello! I'm making a game that when you touch the screen, if the object is in collision with other sprite then a variable changes and something happens. I'm doing a slow motion thing and during this slow motion time I want to disable the sprite which the other object is colliding with. And I can't find a way to disable this, so while making this slow motion effect the other regular time thing is happening. How do I disable a sprite? I've tried with set visibility visible and also with opacity to 0%, none works. Any suggestion?

  • Thanks a lot Noah! didn't until now:D you rock! it works ^^!

  • thanks a lot noah is just that I can't find that z axis option only Y and X :( when you mean "up" is a variable? or there's actually an option for up? thanks!

  • Hello! I have a Play Button as a Sprite, there's a way to make it levitate? with a simple movement towards the camera and going back to original position in a loop?

    I've tried with the tween and physics and can't do it :)! let me know, thanks!

  • Hello guys, well what I'm trying to achieve is to change that CandyRandomizer to another random number every time the unicornPoints increases +10, every 10 new points added to the unicornPoints.

  • Hello guys, I'm experiencing a problem with the random. I have a variable of Points. Every 1 point I want to randomize another variable called candyRandomizer.

    The random works, but once point reach 1 the random number won't pick a new number and stop, instead, it keeps changing the number to a random number every tick :( I just want to change the number once the point is reached, not to keep changing in an eternal loop. :(


  • Thanks a lot for your help :D!

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