Danwood's Recent Forum Activity

  • Ok i got this looping rain sound, the problem is it starts and ends suddenly, i just want it to mildly fade in and out, is it possible to archive that without modifying the sound itself (therefore compromising the loop) outsinde c2?

  • I need to set up a lot of layers yo get proper results, i'm wondering if creating too many affects in some ways performance, for ex i got clouds, sky, cloud shadows, rain etc, i need to get 4 layers for them, will this in some way reduce my performance in confront to using just 3 2 or 1 layer for them all? thanks!

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  • Ok, so i've stolen the "rain" effect from Ghost Shooter "rain demo" sample, i made it random by making it only trigger once every random seconds (plus adding wait -> destroy at the end).

    Here the code, you can see in red the parts i've modified/added:

    <img src="http://imageshack.com/a/img843/2329/c8q0.jpg" border="0" />

    My problem is, i didn't manage to properly add the sound loop to it: no matter what try, i can't make the sound start and END syncronized with the rain effect.

    Any advice?

  • i've just photographed my dinosaurs dolls (i got some :D) and the result is amazing, looks real :P

  • oh, mhh, easy lol, thanks !

  • Is there a condition "has not los on object"?

    I would like to perform an action only IF my actor has NOT los on an object, not always or when he has los.

  • Thanks, i didn't know it.. my background was HUGE, a whole bmp image 25mb big.. how silly i am :D

  • Yes it is, so do you suggest splitting it in some parts? how mig each for best results?

  • I'm looking for some dino sprites, or whatever image i can find, the problem is i need them to be from above, not from another agle at all!

    Does someone know where i can find something?

  • I got random crashes when playtesting my game,

    The game develops on a huge map (3780x2600 px)

    My PC is a iCore 860 2,8 gb, 4 gb ddr3, nvidia gtx 650 1gb ddr3 ... win7 64

    The game crashes quite often (once every 10-15min.. enough to piss any player off) both on crome and after compiling it for windows, do you think i should rework the map size to avoid it?

  • Hello

    I'm simulating the transition between young to adult Tree

    To give it a smoother effect, im using the fade effect for both objects,


    Condition: TreeA has energy 30) = Event: TreeA starts Fade (fade out), TreeA spawns TreeB (which fades in automatically)

    Problem is that it spawns a huge amount of TreesB! not just 1, i've tried using the command " only first time" but it makes the other event null as well.

    Is there a way to archive the desired effect without spawning a whole forest?

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