Danwood's Recent Forum Activity

  • I got 2 objects "wolf"

    I want them to fight each other, but as you can expect, it's not possible using events like:

    Wolf has LoS on Wof -> Wolf attack wolf

    So i made a familiy and put them into it, then i rewrote it in:

    Wolf has Los on WolfFamily -> Wolf attack WolfFamily

    But no results, the wolf "sees himself" as the target and tries to reach himself by walking on a default angle, all the time

    How can i solve this? Maybe i can add a condition that "excludes" himself (because it sees himself as a potential target)? Is there some condition like "wolf =/ Self"?

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  • Maybe i've just missed the "move to object" option in the Z options... in that case, you're allowed to insult me.

  • I got a sprite (blood decal) i want to spawn not only at the same layer of another sprite (animal), but at the same "level" (i dont know how to call it, i mean the inter-levels in the same layer, where you decide bottom/top etc).

    Is there a way to do this?

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  • The good part is that i manage to optimize it relatively well so far: a major factor impacting performance which is map size; the bigger the map, the more object will be there. Adjusting map size before starting a game will have a huge impact on performance and will even allow to play via phones

  • This is a quick preview i'm throwing here, there is also a survival mode where you either control an animal or a human, with very complex survival mechanics

  • I'm building a very complex game with C2. It is a simulation game where a whole ecosystem is simulated trough many viariables like humidity, water, terrain fertility, weather, seasons etc. Animal AI and plant energy mechanics are also simulated...

    I MUST absolutely say that what i'm creating is simply too complex for a simple game making program; C2 is much more than that, if you know how to use it. I'll throw you something about the game in future if you're interested.

    Congrats to C2 developers, you really rock! Every new update is just amazing and i cant wait for the upcoming update!

  • Try to export to Html5 and see how bit is the file

  • If you exported in node-kit, the file includes the chrominum files to run the application. That would explain it maybe.

  • The question is:

    I got 2 examples:

    Behaviour "destroy outside layout"


    Every 40 sec

    Item is outside layout

    -> Destroy item

    Will i get a performance benefict by using the second one? Because i don't care if the effect doesn't trigger at every tick, i just need to clean the items outside layout every few seconds... but if there is absolutely no difference in CPU usage, then i'll go with the first solution.

  • You actually could get rid of the "For each stone" and just go with "Set Isolation = Stone.PickedCount"

    This will return the actual number of instances which are overlapped by the pinned object.

    Btw, if you have a license you can use the container to get rid of the condition "Fire pick nearest pinned object" and directly referenced the "radius" object you use for detection.

    Awesome suggestions!

  • It is working! but with some adjustments


    "Every 1 second" (to make it less CPU heavy)

    Pinned objects "is overlapping stone"

    For each Stone

    Fire "pick nearest to pinned object"


    Fire -> add 1 to isolation

    in order to make it dynamic, i've added another event right after "every 1 second" (but before the isolation +1 addition): Fire -> set Isolation to 0

    The isolation every 1 sec is:

    reset to 0

    added +1 for each stone nearby

    so for example, if there are 2 stones nearby, the result is always 2, and if i add another stone, after 1 sec it's 3. If i remove all stones or move the fire away, it's 0!

    Now, every event involving the isolation variables must trigger 0.01 seconds after the "every 1 second" trigger, in order to let the game correctly calculate the isolation after the 0 reset.

    It works like a charm!

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