Danwood's Recent Forum Activity

  • Wow that looks AMAZING!!!

    what a brilliant game idea...

    I love the Desertification

    I am so impressed

    Wish you would write a tutorial on how you did that..its brilliant

    Bravo!!!....Great concept

    Awesome visuals and music

    well done...

    cant wait for the full game

    looks great

    Thanks so much for sharing that..Highly recommended

    Thanks man! Check your email!

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  • Danwood I really like your grass and tree sprites. How did you make them? I need some Tree and Grass assets for my game and I have no idea how to get them to look realistic like yours.

    If by grass you mean the ferns, i made them with Gimp, if you mean the grass terrain, i started from a photo and heavility modified it with Gimp. The tree texture are brought from Dosh (popular site selling assets) and modified to match the game

  • Me and my team mate want to thank you for this AWESOME engine, it really made our dream project come true! We want that all people know about Construct 2, and when our project will be released we'll strive to spread the word even more! This is our project, DinoSystem: http://www.dinosystem.com/

    Again, THANK YOU so much for your great product,

    Giulio & Daniel

  • We're still looking for someone

  • Hello, we are two italian guys, Giulio and Daniel.

    Eight months ago we started a project named DinoSystem, you can find all the info concerning its actual level of development in our IndieDB page (some info and media are quite old): http://www.indiedb.com/games/dinosystem

    Also, check some ingame footage here:

    As you may have noticed, it looks like a fairly complex game, and it is: so far there are more than 4000 events, with abundant use of families and functions, and the estimate event count at the end of the development is over 8000!

    We have tried a Kickstarter campaign in May with no success, the reason lies in the fact the game was much less mature and we underestimated the promotion side; we've basically started a campaign with no community and no press releases at all, aside few that happened to stumble upon our project.

    Both of us are not used to promotion and marketing, either because of nationality (we speak english fairly well, but promoting requires a higher level of communication and effort) and because we want to focus on the actual development.

    Therefore we're looking for a 3rd team member, someone capable of showing the world what DinoSystem is, why it is awesome and what you can do with it.

    As the title suggests, it is not a paid job; DinoSystem is a near-cost-0 project and we are not capable of investing money in it for now, but as you may guess by viewing the game screens and info, it has some potential.

    So, we are looking for someone who can:

    -Contact the press and generate press releases

    -Contact youtubers and showcasers inviting them to promote the game (having access to the latest alpha)

    -Manage the (still absent) community (both in the forum and on the FB page)

    -(optional) Produce promotional media (screens and video trailer)

    -Have a decent rig to play the game (in order to familiarize with it and create media for it)

    -Like the game, because you need to like what you do, in order to do great!

    What you get:

    -You'll be 100% part of the team, and can build your portfolio with it

    -As a team member, you'll get a substantial slice of the cake both from any crowdfunding we archive and future sale

    We're going to have another crowdfunding campaign soon (probably at the end of October) so your work will be even more important in the time being.

    Since it's a non paid job, you decide how much time to invest in it: you work with us, not for us, and you're allowed (you're forced!) to be creative in the way you desire, expecially concerning media production. Skype is highly recommended!

    If you are interested, send us a PM here or contact us at ; if you have already done promotion/games/trailers etc, don't hesitate to show them to us.

    Dan & Giulio

  • Does random freezing still happen in r177? It would be better to fix it than revert back to disabling threaded compositing, since it effectively breaks the OS X version and I think is no longer a maintained codepath in Chrome, since the default is to have it enabled.

    Thanks Ashley, the problem seems to be gone in v179

  • Looks a bit like my project for the survival aspect, nicely done! I also like the artstyle.

    This is my project: http://www.indiedb.com/games/dinosystem

  • I was wondering.. did you make the artwork, expecially the main image and the menu image, they look superb

  • I also notice much more lag and worse performance in exported nodekit.

  • Does random freezing still happen in r177? It would be better to fix it than revert back to disabling threaded compositing, since it effectively breaks the OS X version and I think is no longer a maintained codepath in Chrome, since the default is to have it enabled.

    The freezing stopped to happen some versions ago (i guess when TC was disabled) and it's back now with 177. Searching in the forum and checking the 177 changelog i've come to the conclusion it's probably caused by the reintroduction of TC.

  • I strongly suspect threaded compositing is causing a random freezing bug in node-webkit.

    It has been re-enabled in ver 177, but i know there is a way to disable it, can someone please show me step-by-step how to disable it for my exported game?

  • lol, i totally forgot about UIDs... thanks, it will surely work!

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