Here's a colouring book that I made for my boy, it works ok, heaps of pics to colour in, 2 types of brushes - spray & block, with a save feature... the codes a bit rough as I was winging it throughout the project - but it still runs ok. My ambitions early we larger than what they are now.
Here it is on site: (I had slow load times, possibly the host)
I don't know what to do next, maybe some kind words here will spur me along to polish it up & make something out of it - further development or apps? It has been a large project... but I lost enthusiasm along the way (I discovered Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare - which was a large distraction).
It is touch compatible, mobile friendly(ish), if I chose that path I'd need to enlarge the text & nav' buttons.
I don't know what to expect here, maybe some kind words of encouragement to gain some much needed enthusiasm.
Cheers guys!