umarfarooq's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi Ashley

    I was working in Stable R241 and during the work I noticed a notification that R250 is release < I don't know if it has anything to do with my problem but just putting it out there.

    Then when I saved the progress next time, C3 crashed. I reloaded and tried to open project folder and it gave the standard error Failed to open project. Check it is a valid Construct 3 folder project.

    I even tried to open an earlier saved version (an hour or so older) but same error message.

    Now I seem to have lost all progress done so far, which was quite a lot.

    Can you help recover?



  • Turret angle should be set where mouse cursor is at (or an invisible sprite following the mouse cursor that defines the angle point).

  • Okay. That added some clarity, and character is controlled by keyboard ?

  • LeKinkss

    Do you mean mouse cursor following the character? If yes, how would that work out play-ability wise ?

    Or you mean a cursor sprite that follows the character?

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  • Hi Derek,

    Sounds interesting, can you drop me a message at readumar at gmail, would definitely want to hear more about your plans.


  • guannstar

    Unsure if you can find a video call plugin for C3.

    I don't have any example files as I just described what I'd attempt to do if I want to implement it in C3. By the way, why would you need to do this? Why not just use existing video call apps for the purpose?

  • Unsure about it but it definitely had some problem as it raised some flags with Google AdMob which then effected my account.

    / Umar

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  • Agree with Sebastien there. For some unknown reason to me, Desktop definitely works better than in browser.

  • Janelleaha

    In your shared pic, there doesn't seem to be a Condition check for the particular instance variable. It doesn't have to be Instance Variable, it can be a simple Boolean variable as well.

    In case you're unable to put in a Condition for Boolean variable check, drop me an email at readumar at gmail, I'll take a quick look at your game and fix it.



  • Janelleaha

    Fairly simple if you add an Instance Variable to whichever object you want spawn control on. When the hero dies, it can be set to False and spawning stops.



  • guannstar

    Can think of one rudimentary way,

    1. User Media working on both

    2. User A clicks button, User Media begins recording User A video

    3. Records for 1 second, send the file to User B

    4. User B window plays the file automatically

    5. Process repeats for every second from point no. 2 above

    6. Process mirrors for User B from point no.2 - point no.5

    Does it make any sense?

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Member since 8 Jul, 2019

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