The RPG Music Pack: The Complete Collection
Owl Theory Music Presents
RELEASED! This multi-pack features RPG, RTS, and Fantasy themes centered around Towns, Battles, Tavern, Fanfares, Exploration, and more!
We are a team of brotherly composers, Alec and Adam, who want to support our fellow RPG lovers. We felt that there was not enough RPG music on the market, so we set out to create these themes to help developers in their titles.
The Complete Collection II -
Town Themes II -
Battle Themes II -
Exploration Themes II -
16 Fanfares & 4 Ambiences -
Tavern Music -
5 FREE RPG Songs -
Here are a few videos exploring the music of the 2nd Collection:
Hi everyone! Me and another talented game composer, James Powell, have created another RPG music pack for you;
RPG Tavern Music
This has been a joy for us to make, so I hope that you all can enjoy it as well!
Link to RPG Tavern Music Pack
Battle music is always a joy to write. How do you elicit both fear and excitement in the player? Rhythm and pace is the most important, and often I write in different modes or scales than I usually compose in.
This battle music is titled "Clash of the Gods":
As a team of brother composers, each of us had our share of great songs in this music pack. This next tune, composed by Adam, comes straight from the RPG Town Themes!
Coastal Town
Enjoy a new preview of "Beginning of a Journey", straight from our RPG Exploration Pack available right now on the Scirra Store!
Each song contains up to 3 variations, and includes a both a Fade-Out and Loop files. Pick and choose what suits your game the best!
Meandering Trail PREVIEW
Our next preview for the RPG Castle Themes pack. A wearied army preparing for their last stand? A brief glimpse of a magnificent fortress? Wandering the keep of the castle?
Eagleview Fortress
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
The Choir Requiem. This next song which is featured in the RPG Dungeon Themes pack could take place in a dungeon, abandoned church, or anywhere that requires a solemn mood. Enjoy!
A Choir Song
Creating Dungeon Themes is always an interesting experience. Experimentation with creaks, groans, and weird synths! Enjoy, "Silence of Hell"
Silence of Hell
RPG Castle Themes! This is one of my personal favorites from the RPG Castle Themes Pack.
Eagleview Fortress Video Preview
Surrounded by magic . Stuck in a forest that seems to have no exit, the player has to solve puzzles to continue.
Enjoy, "Town of Mystery" from the RPG Town Themes!
Listen Here!
Member since 4 Jul, 2019