Yeah, I've been using a lot of
rexrainbow 's plugins and behaviors. They are extremely useful!!!
Basically, the .capx contains a 1 x 8 grid with a sprite in each grid square, eventually it will be 8x8. There is a long rectangular sprite that appears on top of the row once the screen is touched, which will eventually be clear, but for testing purposes I want to be able to see it. With this "slider" sprite, I want to move the entire row of sprites from side to side using touch controls. Then once I get this part working, I need to figure out how to get the sprites to wrap at the edges of the board, at the pixel level, so you can see the sprites at the edges on both sides of the grid when they crossover.
At one point I was using multiple layers, but I found that if I just set the solid behavior of all the sprites to disabled, I don't need to use multiple layers.
With that said, I tried using drag and drop before. I guess I just don't know it well enough to get it work. But, by the looks of the conditions and actions it provides, the functionality I need just isn't there. Right now, I am using a for each loop to pin all the sprites to the slider sprite, but it's just not working. I'll goof around with drag and drop some more though and look up the tutorials again.
I haven't tried using parallax yet. I don't know how I would get it to work along with the wrap, since I'm not wrapping at the edge of the layout. Is it possible to view multiple layouts at the same time? That would make things a whole lot easier cuz then I could just set the board layout to the size of the board and have the UI stuff on the sides on another layout beneath the board. lol
You dont need a for each loop.
Just say pin Sprite to sprite and all of that sprite gets pinned.
Generally for each is useful when you want to do more specific things.
Like check a variable.
It helps pick only certain objects instead of all of them.
Maybe the grid object or something you are using is what is breaking them? is it possible one of your plugins is trying to keep the objects in a certain spot, but the slider/pin behavior is conflicting so the two sort of fight each other making a giant mess?