The response is good on the Simon game (the FPS was pretty low but it was playable - averaged around 11 FPS), and going back and trying the kids band the second time was better than the first time I tried. FPS were higher (40s and 50s) and there was very little stuttering when the different parts started or stopped like the first time - the response was pretty good, but only the top half of the buttons were showing at the bottom of the screen because they are too far down - and that makes it slightly hard to press them...
the connect the dots had the same problem with things getting cut off at the bottom of the screen. I could do the drum, but I could not get the guitar started because the first dot was off the screen.
For the most part, the games were playable. If the FPS wasn't showing, I would have thought things were a little sluggish at times, but not too bad.
I don't have enough experience yet with mobile to offer any suggestions - other than keep things as small and simple as possible...
and I would expect using cocoonjs would make things run a little faster from what I have read on other threads (if you can get past the bugs).