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  • I do not recommend Spriter. There are already many great games that use it, but from my own experience it's very buggy and lacking in features.

    If I remember correctly, if you buy Spriter now, you'll get Spriter 2 for free, but you have already a free alternative that has possibly everything Spriter 2 has, which is Dragon Bones, you should research and find what best suits you, but just keep that in mind.

    Indeed. I tried Spriter and can't get over how much of a downgrade the animation software is. The functionality seems to be promising, but I have yet to see impressive animation quality. The UI isn't very intuitive either and is lacking for quality animation.

    It seems the major selling point is functionality with construct but It's not worth it when there are so many better animating programs.

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  • Hey there! Thanks for the reply!

    So when you say place holder, how exactly did you implement this mechanic when you have, say, a RUNNING animation and the character can wear different armor and hold different weapons. Each arm is bending, rotating, torso is rotating, weapons is moving at different angles etc etc

    Unless the objects are perfectly vertical or horizontal, it seems like pinning a sprite over a placeholder would not work because of the unique movements each animation has?

    Short of animating everything using funky math around an image point, how did you do this? Did your characters just have very basic animations?

    I'm thinking at the very least each limb/armor piece needs it's own animation?

    I tried Spriter out but the limitations of the animation GUI is a huge downgrade for quality animation. I use Toonboom Harmony and get extremely fluid animation. I do like the functionality with construct 3 but it seems like the trade off for the sprite functionality isn't worth the bad animation and frustratingly backward UI limitations (thank you however for the recommendation!)

    Anyway, I'm more interested in your method 1. Can you enlighten me?

  • Howdy fellow Constructors,

    So I've been trying to search on my own but haven't come up with any good info.

    Basically I have a (non-pixel) animated character and my goal is to have him be able to use different sized weapons (axes, swords, shields etc etc) as well as wear different sized/style armors, clothing, hats, helmets...

    My question is; short of animating multiple sequences (idle, running, jumping etc) with the character wearing/holding multiple weapons/ there a more efficient way to do this?

    Animation is pretty quality; think Dust An Elysian Tail. I've tried the pin behavior and tried to connect image points but getting the image point to line up with the hand/arm animation is a pain and doesn't seem to work at all.

    I'm guessing I may have to animate ALL sequences and just limit choices to 4 or 5 weapons, armor sets etc etc

    Hope this makes sense. Any advice would be welcome.



    it's like a normal game but 3D positions are converted to isometric screen positions

    you can see it in action in this project

    This is pretty dang sweet! Any chance I can get a file with just the character movement? I checked out your file but not really sure how to use it lol I'm looking to make an iso RPG but have a hard time lining everything up.

    That jump is awesome! Basically looks like a 3D game in 2D space. Either way thanks for sharing and good luck with Strawberry Punch! Love it.

    What's the status on it so far? Still working on it?

  • dop2000

    Nice Game !


    I sow this Tutorial with Capx file , maybe can help

    Thanks for taking the time to reply! I will check it out!

  • I made a game with axonometric view, which is somewhat similar.

    All characters in the game are actually invisible sprites, walking with 8direction behavior on an invisible tilemap somewhere off-screen. (All this in a normal top-down view of course)

    What players see is their projection on visible axonometric tiles.

    It's difficult to explain, here is the link, you can download the project file:

    Really cool! Thanks for the example. Look forward to seeing how everything works inside. TY!

  • Thank you for taking the time to reply! :D Very helpful. Have a great day.

    Isometric movement can be simply implemented with a "Custom" movement and dealing with each of the 9 movement possibilities (8 directions + stopping). You basically replicate an 8 directions movement but systematically set the vertical speed to half the "normal" value.

    Here's a rather simple exemple.

  • Howdy! So I've been trying to put together an isometric game and I cannot figure out how to make proper isometric movement. i.e. When using 8-direction, the player moves at a perfect 45 degree angle, which is not the proper angle for an isometric game.

    I know it can be done. This beautiful game managed to do it (

    Anyone know how to get movement like this?

    Any insight would be great. Thanks guys.



  • Wow thank you! This was driving me nuts. Thank god this post was still on the forums lol. Simple fix.

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Member since 12 Jun, 2019

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