Thanks for your concern! You are a kind person. I'm trying to help my 9 year grandson learn how to build the Space Shooter game. The tutorial we're following on youtube by RedFoc is actually done with Construct 2 but so far everything is working. A single sprite is set up to spawn rocks every two seconds. That works. Then the tutorial says to "clone" more sprites and then set up a random spawner instance. If you clone you get spawner 1,spawner 2 etc. The random instance seems to recognize only the original word spawner. We tried cut and paste to make every sprite have the name spawner. That works as far as spawning from each sprite every two seconds but won't allow a random instance to be set up(as far as we know). The question seems to be: what is the action that accompanies SYSTEM PICK A RANDOM SPAWNER INSTANCE?
Red Foc simply moved the action SPAWN ROCK on LAYER 0 down from the previous event which was SYSTEM EVERY 2 SECONDS.