Still having same hierarchy + save issues as last week unfortunately, thought this one would fix them considering multiple hierachy bugfixes were mentioned and one especially with saves. Are there any more issues you already know of that might not have been fixed yet on that end? I tried to do a bug report project for my issue but it didn't replicate with a clean project so far.
I'm having an issue since quite recently (think it started r305-r307) where if I load a saved state of my deckbuilder app, the hierarchy does not respect the set locations for child objects in a hierarchy, but rather places everything at the origin of the parent object with the load of the save. Hoped the complex hierachies fix was related but didn't do it. Hopefully that one gets fixed soon too. Loading same save file twice in row for some reason fixes the issue.
Also very happy with the copy picked addition thought, extremely helpful!
Tested again with complete fresh project, r293.3 stable. No errors in console for the type 1 in preview not working. Exported the fresh project to html5 to test with type 2, also no errors in console. Weird!
Currently, with worker mode off as instructed, testing in preview the type 1 action is not working at all. Type 2 works in preview, but not in final HTML5 export.
Member since 3 May, 2019