First of all, I'd like to say a big thank you for this amazing feature, it's the feature I've been waiting for the most for several years, and the implementation is perfect, it already comes with a lot of very handy things and the changes that have been made to my "Hierarchy Bar" suggestion are even better. It's very cleverly designed.
Also special thanks for all the right click context menu options on the instances in this new Bar (flash selection, scroll, hierarchy/template/layer etc..) this is just awesome.
Here are the first feedbacks i'd like to provide after trying the Instance Bar:
1. Show/Hide UID Option
Add an option to show/hide the UID number of the instances, as we can name instances using tags anyway but also because it could help to lessen the number of infos so it's less overwhelming in some situations(this option could be available in right click context menus)
2. Put extra info on a seperate, right-aligned column
So it's more readable, we should be able to drag the separator horizontally because the space required for the extra info could vary a lot between "Template/Replica infos" and "Layout/Layer" info for example, and we should be able to make sure the whole Template/Replica infos fits in 1 line (in case the name of the instance itself is very long for example)
Also maybe the separator column would allow to remove the parenthesis ?
3. Selecting an instance Folder should select all its instances in the Layout View
(or at least, there should be a right click context Menu > "select all child instances" option for the instance folders)
4. Option to automatically select the layer of the selected instance (while displaying Layers/Layout)
This is an adaptation of a suggestion i made for the Layer Bar but for the Instance Bar instead, as it might be better.
If the Instance Bar is currently showing more info for Layers/Layouts, add a check option just above to automatically select the layer of the instance. It would be very handy as way to select layer in workflows were a lot of instances are placed in the Layout. (avoid placing new instances on wrong "HUD", "FX", "Background" layers)
Also now we have a lot of handy bar but not many places in the editor to dock them, it would allow to stack the Instance Bar and the Layer Bar together, and switch between the 2 only when needed. (as Instance Bar would allow to select Layer too)
(it would only do something if the last selected instance was selected individually or if all instances selected together are on the same layer, if several instances were selected exactly at the same time on different layer, it wouldn't switch the Layer)
That being said, having that option directly on the Layer View too could be great, maybe the best would be to have that option accessible both from Layer View and for Instance Bar in "show infos for Layers/Layouts" mode (disabling it in one place would disable it in the other place)