I've been exporting my game with Linux-CEF for a few months and it worked. But since yesterday it doesn't work anymore, the app just crashes before the first line of my construct main.js script is executed. (it should normally do a window.alert but it crashed before)
I spent an entire day trying everything I could to make it work again but it just doesn't work, i even got the help of a experimented programmer using Linux (Armaldio) for everything and we didn't manage to find the cause.
The first displayed error is this:
The weird thing is that this steamworks-x64.ext.so file is in fact present in the game files of the Steam Game, so Armaldio dig further and discovered a segmentation error
Sadly due to lack of debug mode for Linux CEF export it is impossible to dig further, to understand what is this segmentation error
Any idea on what happens here, did something change in the Linux CEF build process recently under the hood? Could it be due to an update to the Linux CEF project? Any way to make things more debuggable?
Again: I use the exact same process i've been using for months to do my Steam exports (and it worked before), and my Linux CEF exported app crashes even before the very first line of my main.js C3 script is executed
I can send my exported Linux CEF project by mail if it helps