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  • thanks, at least I understand why. Big Apple company, even here in Italy it is very popular. But how many problems guys! but how many problems!


    why i have problems only with apple devices? Before I had to give up an important section of my game (on android the user can calmly load the music on his device, because android reads WEBM OPUS audio files with his eyes closed, and instead on ipad and iphone IT DOESN'T WORK! A codec used for 10 years and by them it does not WORK! then I try to export my project to xcode, I start it is ... It happens that it stays like this for years! but why do I always have problems with Apple ??? Why? Can someone help me please?

    ps, log console:

    IAB.close() called but it was already closed.

    2021-06-02 09:56:32.047158+0200 Brick Dance[1697:30285] WARN: no native wasm support detected


  • why i have problems only with apple devices? Before I had to give up an important section of my game (on android the user can calmly load the music on his device, because android reads WEBM OPUS audio files with his eyes closed, and instead on ipad and iphone IT DOESN'T WORK! A codec used for 10 years and by them it does not WORK! then I try to export my project to xcode, I start it is ... It happens that it stays like this for years! but why do I always have problems with Apple ??? Why? Can someone help me please?

    ps, log console:

    IAB.close() called but it was already closed.

    2021-06-02 09:56:32.047158+0200 Brick Dance[1697:30285] WARN: no native wasm support detected


  • hi ashley it's a pleasure. ok that's clear. but if the ios user had webm opus format audio files in their device, would the operation work? or on IOS it is impossible regardless? because from ipad air 4 I tried to click on file chooser, but from browser chrome and safari it does not give me the possibility to select the file. that's what I don't understand. it is a problem only of ios because on mac os it works regularly. I would like to understand. Thank you

  • hi guys i need your help. on ios is it possible to use chooser files to load music present in the device? on android I use clicked chooser file- audio add remote File Chooser.FileURLAt. it's all working perfectly. on ios no. I know you can use local storage to preload music, my app expects users to upload their own music. Is there any way to make it work on ios?


  • thanks!

  • hello guys save me from the madhouse. in my project I have a youtube video that I would like to manage with the play pause stop buttons etc. if I import the files (main and youtube.js) to the script folder everything works correctly on the PC. As soon as I export the project to mobile, a white screen appears and the game does not work. Can anyone bring a sample capx. please?


  • Hi guys. Help me! I would like to use some FM radio stations in my game, with the possibility of a player that both changes frequencies. Through the browser plugin I can open a new window but I don't want to. I would like it to be integrated into the game. How can I do? does anyone have a capx to share? I have read many things but I have not found a practical example. Help me, thank you all


  • thank you!!!

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  • Buckle up buttercup, this one is some real work.

    I have tried in previous projects to detect based on amplitude and frequency of audio, and found the audio object lacking in this ability.

    I will show you how to prerecord it with a string, using your own "beat studio environment":

    Step zero: Create a variable to track how many ticks since you've started your song.

    Step one : record your inputs to a variable, that is updating to an on-screen textbox. Do this in a way we can later separate the values based on the times.

    So if you hit x set textbox to textbox.text + "X," + timerSinceSongStarted.Value + ";"

    And if you hit Y set textbox to textbox.text + "Y," + timerSinceSongStarted.Value + ";"

    So now you've created a string that closely represents when you expect spawns versus the time the song has been running and it looks something like this:


    Step 2: Copy this string out of your textbox, back into a local variable and use a repeat tokencount(string,';') times and tokenat(string,loopindex,';') to access each value as time progresses with your song playing again, and make it show a sprite or something on each beat. Use this visual data, to manually modify the strings timer values, to calibrate the values to match the game better than your original reactions allowed when recording your inputs. Tweak a value here and there, when you notice one of your inputs doesn't match the song as well as you'd like. It will be helpful to add an on-screen viewer of the timers value, so you can track down inputs you want to change.

    So now we still have a string of "tokens" that closely represent when we expect spawns to hit, you will need one of these for each song.

    Step 3: In your game, you will want to load up a song string into an array, before its played. so you can access that array at x where x will be the songs timer.

    I wont post the exact way to load it into the array, but I will give you direction: Use array insert to add values to the array, make the position in the array match the timer we stored with the tokens. You can loop through your token string as we did before with repeat tokencount times to insert all the values.

    Then when a player is actually playing, continuously test the current song timer against the array, and spawn the correct object represented by the array value stored there.

    Understanding arrays is the backbone of large data manipulation and an important hurdle for most coders. It's just a spreadsheet of values accessed by position but understanding it truly is fundamental. Key'd arrays are easier to understand, but really, x,y,z are all you actually need.

    well, at the very least I'll start studying in detail everything you said to me. many things I am not able to do them but I will try with all my strength. thank you very much for the detailed explanation.

  • Guys I'm here again to ask for your help I have tried in every way but I have absolutely not been able to perform what I want to do.I explain as simply as possible what I need.I have to spawn object X and Y at a certain time . Example I have my player that has to hit X and Y sometimes at the same time and sometimes not, it depends on the rhythm I gave to the song If I use the system option every X second Every time I have to jerk X and Y then I will have to write 2 million of lines of code, considering that at each track X&Y will appear at least 100 times. Some of you suggested me to create an array with the times in which I want objects X and Y to be spawned. can you give me a small example?

    Let's say that during the duration of the song, for example one minute, X and Y are spawned sometimes at the same time and sometimes not, in a perimeter of let's say 100 pixels because I want my character to move.

    How can I store the information I have, so the times I want X&Y to be spawned? Is Larray the only solution? If any of you have the time and desire to help me I would appreciate it very gladly especially if related by a written example because I am filling my head with information and today when I look in the mirror I look like Albert Einstein, but a lot and a lot less intelligent than him!


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