I would really like the feature to set a room state, or some method so people in the lobby, but not in the room can see the current state of the room. (awaiting peers, open, closed, running, over etc etc etc)
Right now, I have a nice lobby system with selected region options, and once joined the host can select the country (layout) to have the battle in ....
But, once the game started, it still shows up in the lobby list because I do not have enough players according to the max, which could lock it, and prevent it from being seen in the lobby.
Now, players can select to join a running game and enter the pre game lobby/room. Which is very undesirable.
Atm I have no option to indicate whether or not players are allowed to join a game in progress which have less then the maximum allowed number of players.
Some feedback would be nice ..
I'm getting to the point where I am going to tell my webserver through ajax the state of a room and store it in a DB, and retrieve that .... but I will have to jump through many loops with room timeouts and none existent rooms in the background this way ...
Options ? suggestions ?