I would like a feature where the host is able to set a "room state".
Such as: open, closed. (custom ones would be even better)
This will aid in making larger multiplayer rooms layout system.
Right now when I request a list of rooms, its either those locked, or not, or both.
But when a game has already started, and not locked (due to not having the max amount of players in the room) it also shows up as available game.
I would like to be able to filter the available rooms on their state.
room.state = open >>>> show link to join game
room.state = closed >>>>> ignore
If there is already such a mechanic in the multiplayer object, then I am unaware how to set the room to "unavailable" witout the max amount of players.
Perhaps an easy solution would be the ability to manipulate the room's locking state while in room with peers joined.
ie Locked, not locked.
Host starts game, and regardless of the amount of players, lock the room.
Though, I would prefer the first suggestion, the room state, leaves room for a lot of manipulation while everything runs.