Were you ever able to get this to work?
From what i can remember your last version of the tank game used push out as soon as you've overlapped a non-solid object while at the same time activating the solid to prevent the player to walk through.
As long as the player was constantly touching the solid, other players were also coliding.
Somehow you got a workaround for that but there was a bug that as soon as the 2 players touched each other, the player who's supposed to be pushed back fell through.
Nethertheless there were always some kind of bugs which you also weren't able to fix.
Or were you actually able to get it to work in the end?
Not as we both desire haha
... too bad ... if the solid had just 1 extra filter option, either inactive on certain families with a boolean set or only active on same layer, it would save a lot of hassle ..... (or like 10 events )
The closest you (I) could get was the example you mentioned up until the player got that extra push from another player.
Another option was/is smart layout designing where you try to prevent such scenario from happening layout wise (often near impossible with stairs and/or up/down systems for floors)
A few posts back you mentioned about having the entire collision system running on both ends; which will not work in a multiplayer scenario where the objects are synced, making the peer somewhat off position on another peer (not host).
This last scenario is when I gave up, I got my examples working "ok" for my needs, up until I added a 3rd player.... then it was right back at the beginning of the issues. That tank game is a whole lot further now, but hardly has extra layers/floors.