So I have been super busy lately trying to upgrade the game in its entirety. From the combat system to navigation to graphics. Finally I have an image to show what I have been up to since my last posting! Below is a comparison between the graphics of the currently playable version of GP: Redux on Steam, and the version that I am currently working.
As you can see, graphics have been boosted by a lot, and the backgrounds are no longer fuzzy. Everything is also noticeably larger too. What you can't see is that the game is no longer playable as a fixed camera system. It is now strictly platformer movement (Left and Right only). This has absolved many of the awkward visual issues that caught a lot of flak when the game first came out. This means no more frustrating camera transitions, no more collision issues while fighting, and no more funny looking proportions between the characters and backgrounds. It is taking some time to do since I'm having to re-render everything from backgrounds to sprites, but I feel it is paying off beautifully. I can't wait to get the patch finished and out there for everybody to enjoy!