1. Yeah, gotta get right there in line with the monsters. There is a little offset, but not too terribly much for it to not make sense.
2. That's crazy about the lag. I don't have a super computer by any means, (In fact it's quite dated- 2010) but the minor lag I do get from the fire only lasts while the fire is present. I've been noticing different behaviors on different computers too though. Very strange..
3. Wellp... That link just says all that needs to be said. Thank God I was born before the 90's set in..
4. I guess I am too laid back to really see quality by genre. To me genre steriotypes are a lot like racial steriotypes. Sure they were put in place for a reason, but you can't just go through life judging all books by their covers. We're in the year 2015, and dismissing a people or genre because they resemble something negative from long ago is just a foolish way of living. That's how people miss out on some of the best things in life.
Personally I loved the Dead Space games and all the Resident Evils. Maybe it's because I approached them as a game, and not as a "horror" game. I step into those worlds with one expectation- to have fun. With people placing labels on everything these days and getting all **** hurt when something isn't tailored to their exact specifications, the world has become a jaded and very self centered place. I liked the jump scares of DS and RE and I liked the action packed shootouts as well. They are games. I come, I see, I conquer, I have fun. That's it.
My game is no different. It's going to have plenty of dark and disturbing themes in it, some jumpscares here and there, and some all out balls to the walls action as well. I didn't grow up in Burger King like many of these over privileged, self serving kids do today. My parents' motto for me wasn't "Have it your way." It was more like, "Accept what your given and be grateful you got it. And if you don't like it, make it yourself."
5. Oh yeah, horror has been used up to the eyeballs with SO many different stories. You have to think, people have been telling ghost stories forever. Horror is probably the oldest genre, right alongside romance. Fear and love are right there with the most basic and first discovered Human emotions. It's what we've built our entire world around. But luckily, through context, the same story can be told millions of different ways. Every genre does this. People just like to give horror the finger more because they've been desensitized to it, and they believe it is now flawed. The reality is that horror has not changed, we have as a people.
6. That was my whole point about the games looking like they came right out of the 80's and still getting more love than a sharp, pre-rendered game. Yours fits in perfectly right there with the flavor of the month. It has that retro look and feel, and people are gonna love that.