rogerfgay's Recent Forum Activity

  • I'm new to Construct 2, and am interested in doing a quick experiment / demo with my WebSocket technology.

    I'd like to construct a very simple initial demo, like for example, using the existing "8 direction 1 (simple movement)" example with two players. If you're more familiar with another simple example, that would likely work just as well; but movement just seems like a good basic start.

    I'm wondering if I could get come quick tips / pointers. I need to capture event data to be sent and make use of data that is received. I can do the WebSocket part. My questions have to do with working with Construct 2 browser code.

    1. Identify / get data to send that informs the other player of the character used in the local browser.

    2. Capture movement event information.

    3. Apply movement event information received from the other player.

  • I have my own server ... built it myself; fully standard compliant. I've had a demo running for about 2 years.

    It definitely works and the browser side stuff is pretty easy, if all you're doing is sending and receiving data. I have also developed an application framework that can be wrapped around the WebSockets (called High Level Logic - HLL) with distributed applications in mind ... which could include multiplayer games.

    With or without HLL, I can make this baby work any way that I want to, and provide any support that I want to. The interesting thing right now is that it looks like Construct 2 could use this support, and I am very interested in applying the technology to games.

    I'm just starting to look at Construct 2, and wondering what the best way is to capture shared event data and apply it when it comes in.

    But also, the initial question ... do you have any thoughts on what would make use of WebSockets easy for you and give the results that you want?

    Do you for example, need to be able to program the server side with JavaScript? Or would you get fired up already if the WebSocket server did something as simple (not requiring app developers to program at all) as registering users for a game (can support more than one game group) and echoing incoming data back out to all active players accept the one who sent it?

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  • I'm starting to play with Construct 2 for the first time today, looking to see how I can use my WebSocket client / server technology with it. I can do anything I want re: WebSockets but don't have experience with Construct 2. Just thought it might be a lot more efficient to ask experienced users, who have perhaps tried or constructed apps with WebSockets, what you really need and want.

  • I've just downloaded and installed Construct 2 for the first time, hoping to see how difficult it would be to connect to my WebSocket Server software (

    I was happy to see that you've already discovered Websockets and that there might be a place for my technology since you don't support them completely. However, I wasn't as pleased with your description at "WebSockets and multiplayer games"

    I don't think "reliable transmission" means what you think it means. WebSockets are an http "upgrade" built on TCP; which employs the selective acknowledgment (SACK) option, defined in RFC 2018, to address the problem you mention.

    Maybe you're describing a problem with the specific package you mention, node.js?

    I'm not saying there are no potential latency issues to be addressed, but if not TCP transmission, what do you suggest?

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Member since 7 Sep, 2013

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