I'm going to set up more than one option for programming the server side. Sure, if you're handy with a language, you can do all sorts of whatever you want. But you should be able to build server side game logic without a lot of complicated stuff � just on the same level that you build C2 game logic. There's just an extra layer. If this happens, send that message � with the message related to triggering some normal C2 game behavior.
I'm first doing XML support which can easily be programmed using a C2 type tool interface. When a message is received by the server, it's an event defined by the message, which triggers a message sent to other players typically. It might even be that messages from one player simply need to be passed on to other players in one play group � simple as that � and let your C2 game code take care of what happens when the messages are received in the browser.
As for speed; yes, WebSockets are definitely not slower than other communications. It's my view at this point however, that if you're going to build a game that relies on split second responses; like a boxing match or high paced racing game, then all users should be in the same room or on the same LAN at least, and probably plugged into the same game machine. There can be delays in messages getting from China to Florida, or even if you're closer. I have a lot of ideas for games that are much less sensitive to or just don't care about a bit of latency here and there.
I don't know what limitations might be in C2 either. WebSockets and my server can handle a great many � limited by the memory of the computer that's running it really. On the browser end, there only needs to be one connection per browser .. i.e. per player. So, it doesn't seem reasonable to think that C2 imposes anything that could get in the way.
As for DB; I'm kind a thinkin' I should do all that at the beginning. I'll say more when I get to it. IN my first go, I'm considering not using a DB system at all. It will likely be needed to gear up a lot; but I think there's a lot that can be done simply by extending the XML stuff. IN many cases, using a DB system could just be overkill.
The types of games I'm going to demo and describe will have much of the information needed on each user's machine � i.e. data that comes in with the web page. Messages from the server will trigger behaviours in each browser that each browser-side program already knows how to do. If you want to set perspective to a particular place on a map, just send the map coordinates. If you want one of the players to move somewhere, just tell it where to go and what behaviour it should use to get there (run, jump, walk �.) The rest of the logic should be in the browser already.
But then � at some point, I want to make it easy to send behaviour descriptions in from other places. You might even want to provide access to new and different scenes. That's another story, but I wouldn't want to be constantly streaming background scenery and millisecond by millisecond position information.