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  • The link is there, under: 2018-06-27

    Ok thanks!, I dont know how I missed that all my eyes could see was the capx...

  • Hello is 3.2 version still available? I only see the link to the 2.7 version.

  • If you select your layer and add an effect in the properties, there is a water effect under distortion section you can apply, then you can control that effect in the properties or the event sheets.

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  • I notice this too, this did not Happen on an older build where i exported the app and the music stops. Now the music plays in the background, even when the phone screen is off!

    Will there be a fix for that or is there some new condition we have to add now?

  • Is there any way to copy/paste events in eventssheet on mobile and move it?

    Any news?

    its javascripts fault not allowing paste.

    The only workaround i found so far is use the hackers keyboard android app to use permanent notification to allow you to call on the keyboard anytime and use the full 5 row to use ctrl v to paste events.

    drexegar - unfortunately Javascript can't cause a paste event. We'll try and think of a workaround.

    OH WOOOOOW! I'm sorry to hear.

    Well is there a way we can go into a mode where you can slide the events up and down on mobile like the desktop version? Then you can add an option to just duplicate an event or action right under it and we can just move it, that can work right?

    UPDATE - I found a workaround for Android phones. Download the "Hacker's keyboard app" for free.

    1. Set up the keyboard and select the full 5 row keyboard layout

    2. Turn on the "permanent notification" option, this allows to call the keyboard anytime you want (I have no idea why they didn't add the option to the button press when you can use buttons to control size and close keyboard)

    3. Now you call the keyboard on the top menu at anytime and hit ctrl V for a paste! Now I can paste events on my phone!

    (I have an LG stylo 3 a 5.7 inch screen with a decent stylus, Its great with construct and great for speed pixeling with the pixly app for graphics)

    First, congrats on the bug squashing and the new version 17, I can't wait for the full version to come out as i'm going back and forth with c2.

    Can we have a paste button on the construct 3 right click menu?

    It would really make the event editor for mobile and tablets with no keyboard less of a hassle to use.

    In the mobile version of google chrome beta on android, you can't drag actions, which is not that big of an issue but, even though you can cut and copy actions, you can't paste them making the event editor very highly counter productive to even the simplest of coding task having to have to delete an action and reselect it again just to move it wasting lot of minutes.

  • Is there any way to copy/paste events in eventssheet on mobile and move it?

    Yeah, I have no clue either, why doesn't a paste button show up on the menu? or why can't we move the actions up and down?The event sheet is a real pain without those options on mobile.

  • I figured it out, I needed to write as: (objectname).dt

    so instead of:

    Player.X-90* dt

    I had to put:

    Player.X-90* Player.dt

  • I have a sprite with a custom movement called "Player"

    I have a simple movement that when the Player Sprite is rotating, it Sets its X movement to X to Player.X-90* dt

    This works fine, the problem I have is that:

    If I try to set delta time for Player on 2.0 it does not work.

    BUT if I set delta time in general for 2.0 it works.

    My conditions and actions relate with the Player so what does delta time on an object effect besides the speed of a behavior?

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