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  • Hello Ashley, I concur with blacksmith, it is know that the audio is different between devices.

    I have also tried building and exporting the attached capx and there is no sound on my iphone 5

    I appreciate that there is an expense associated with buying a device for testing, however the iPad air 2 makes up 3.5% of the apple device range while the iphone 5&6 cover more then 50% ( Can I suggest getting a second hand 5 to improve coverage (£100ish).

    Is the iPad Air 2 the only device that you are able to test iOS builds on? Is there anything like logs or such that I could send you to help testing on iPhone 5.

    Regards Philip

  • I can also say that audio is not working on my iphone 5 (only device) with iOS 10, while it was fine with iOS 9

    Regards Phil

  • I believe I am having the same issue.

    Ajax requests works for me on Android build but not on the iOS build of my project.

    Only change I can find around this is the issues that WKWebView in iOS 10 caused.

  • Im working on a game where you play as an egyptian embalmer and are scored on how well preserved the mummy is.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Hello, Hope your having a good Xmas.

    Im loving the debugger but I find that there are some elements in my game that I only want when debugging(eg visible collision masks). That is why I would like to put forward the addition of a system expression that returns true if running in debug.



  • Quoted from manual:

    Seek to

    Seek a currently playing sound to a different location in the audio file. The time to seek to is given in seconds.


    Get the current playback time in seconds of a sound with a tag. This starts at 0 and counts up to the duration, except for looping sounds which keep counting up past the duration.

    These should be the ones your looking for spacificly

  • keepee Boy that was quick Thank you.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I'm trying to make an engine sound that increases in frequency, similar to that in a car racing game. It was previously achivable in classic construct as according to this post but I havnt found how to do this in construct 2.

    With my limited knowledge of audio processing I tried each of the audio effects but I did not find a means of just altering the frequency.

    Is there a filter configuration that could work or any other means of changing the frequency on the fly.

  • Codeman320 Here is an example project. Hope this helps <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • You could use a global variable to store the current level then, on your level complete screen you add one to currentlevel

    name you level layouts level1,level2,level3,...

    In levelcomplete layout:

    currentLevel = currentLevel + 1

    you call action go to layout(byname) with "level"&str(currentLevel)

    Here is a tutorial that uses this approach

  • Hi, Iv been making a physics/puzzle game and think I have finished the mechanics of gameplay. I am currently holding off duplicating the default level to make each level. Has this feature made it closer to the top of the Todo list and how have others been handling layouts with many of the same objects.

  • Hello all, I recently bought construct 2 and loving it. So far iv just been lurking, reading the solutions of others but today I make my first post!

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Member since 29 Aug, 2013

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