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  • Thanks dop2000, that does work

    For anyone else having trouble, it seems that the object only gets added to the Family immediately when you do a Pick Last Created on that family.


    Create object by name, "House"

    Pick Last SelectableObjects

    Works as expected, SelectableObjects.ObjectTypeName = "House"


    Pick Buildings where Buildings.UID = SelectableObjects.UID

    Doesn't work, nothing is picked

    This does work tho:

    Pick Last Buildings

    if Buildings.UID = SelectableObjects.UID Browser.Log Buildings.ObjectTypeName

    Logs "House" in the Browser

    Hope that helps anyone as confused as me!

  • I am using 3 Families: SelectableObjects, Units and Buildings. Each Object in the SelectableObjects Family is either in the Buildings or Units family as well.

    When I create an object by name, e.g. "House", How do I get the UID as I didn't think the Families would be populated immediately.

    - Frink

  • Thanks winkr7, but I was more wondering if I should be using Containers rather than hierarchies.

    If I use Containers, do I need to create multiple progress bar object types, bug_progressbar, alien_progressbar etc?

  • I have a Family of enemy Sprites. I have created them on one of my layouts (not the one I'm going to use them on) with a hierarchy of other Sprites I use as buff indicators above the enemy's head. I couldn't add a Progress Bar in the hierarchy, so create that separately.

    Should I be using Containers instead? I couldn't see how to do a Container on a Family, and once I set one enemy in a container with a buff, I couldn't add a buff Sprite to another enemy.

    Any ideas how I should set this up?

  • Thanks for the reply, but that's still not what I want.

    My layout is square-ish and my tilemap fills the layout.

    The viewport only covers a small part of the layout and is roughly 4:3.

    If I display it on a portrait device, I get blank areas at the top and bottom. On a landscape device, I get blank areas to the left and right.

    I guess I need to change the viewport size to match the screen size?

    If the screen size is not an exact number of tiles, then I'd expect blank areas, but they would always be less than one tile's size.

  • My game uses a top-down view, using a tilemap to make up the floor, with the characters as objects on top.

    I want the game to resize the amount of floor you can see to fill the window.

    I don't want it to resize the tiles, just the number of tiles you can see.

    My guess is that I need to put something in Browser.OnResized to set the ViewportWidth and ViewportHeight?

    1. How do I set ViewportWidth and ViewportHeight in code, and
    2. How do I get the window width? Browser.ExecJS("window.innerWidth") was mentioned in some posts, but does not work on Windows 11 Edge


  • I have the following actions on a sprite Click event:

    Mouse.Set cursor from sprite NoGo

    System.Wait 1 second

    Mouse.Set cursor to Normal

    However, it doesn't change the cursor unless I move it after the click, or do another click.

    It always changes back to Normal though.

    Any ideas? Can I force a re-draw of the cursor somehow?


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  • Double-clicking C:\Program Files\Construct 2\Construct2.exe just gives a blank screen

    It seems to be working, just not displaying any of the toolbars, menubars etc.

    If I click in the top left where the close X icon would be, it closes. If I press Alt-A is displays the About Construct 2 box.

    Pressing Alt-F displays the file menu correctly and I can create a new project, or select a recent project and it displays in the tab control with the Layouts and Event Sheets, but I don't get the menu bar, toolbars, or properties windows etc.

    It is Release 269 (64-bit) and I'm running on Windows 10.

    It was working before, but I do not know if that was an older version.


  • I can't edit my last post, but I should also say I had to untick my layer in the Layers window else it was all black!

  • Thanks for your reply. I didn't actually try it as I found that this worked:

    Layer: Transparent, 100% Opacity, White, Force own texture: No, Effect:Blend Mode: Destination in

    Then I created a sprite on the layer which was a solid circle: 100% Opacity, Effect: Blend mode: Normal

    I don't know whether it is particularly efficient, but it seems ok so far

  • Think of looking at a wall in the dark with a torch, so that where the torch is pointing, you get a circle of light and can see the wall, but everywhere else is black.

    I can do it with a circular sprite and blend mode 'destination in' but I want to have more than one circle of light so that all is black except either the circle of light.

    With 'destination in', you only see the wall where the circles overlap.

    Any ideas?

  • I'm just getting started using the free versions.

    Can't see how to attach the capx here, so here is a screenshot.

    Note: All layouts are blank

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