Arcosta's Recent Forum Activity

  • That is indeed cute. A bit unpractical but certainly catchy. Thanks for showing this.

  • Hi everybody.

    I'm going to apply to a University that offers bacharel courses in digital games. They will ask for a portfolio with game concepts, art or programming work depending on the specialization you pursue.

    I believe I have dabbled with C2 enough to know how to make an interesting presentation of some game concepts with pictures, a bit of writing and maybe even a rude prototype. Now, I would love to see some examples! I searched for the word website and portfolio on the forum but there is only one post from 2011. I'm pretty sure by now the owner changed the code back since the website looks super simple.

    Care to help me find some examples of websites, portfolios or even photo galleries? Any recommendations, tips, stories and experiences on portfolios and applying for jobs or uni would also be received with the utmost interest! I will be listening.

    Thank you guys.

  • If there is no option or Action to turn the video´s opacity down then maybe you could kind of cheat and put the map´s layer in front of the Video and changing it´s opacity.

  • Hey, just came here to report that it is kind of working the way I wanted. The help you gave me was great and enough for me to know where to go from now on. Thank you lennaert and blackhornet. You just made me and lots of piggies happy!

  • Wow, nice one. Haven't thought of that one, obviously. Thank you lennaert.

    To be perfect I'll just have to come up with a way to not make the walking object target himself and to make it work in a way where more than 1 object can walk. I'm trying to make a virtual evolution game/simulation and I might happen to have +15 little piggies trying to find true love at the same time.

    Will work on this tomorrow as I'm too tired to do anything else. Thanks for all the help guys, much appreciated.

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  • I've never used Pick All, didn't know what it did! I think I can understand how I can repick all of them but I don't know how the Actions would come in here. Tried a few things based on what you said but failed.

    Should it look kind of like this?

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Could you help me with the actions now?

  • Thank for your time lennaert on answering but it seems I'm not explaining properly.

    My actual problem is that I can't make an object find a path to a random instance of the same object.

    I gave the example of the Pig finding another Pig to play with. The problem is since I'm picking the Pigs "in the mood" to make them look for a path, I can't pick a different one for them to find a path (they don't have to be "in the mood", if Piggie wants, Piggie gets).

  • Sorry I sent the old file <img src="smileys/smiley24.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    Here it is.

  • I tried that on the capx I sent. You can see that the red ball goes to the randomly selected green square but the randomly selected square targets itself instead of another square.

  • Hi everybody.

    I've been trying to solve this problem for some time now. I haven't found anything similar in the forums.

    I want a certain Pig to find a path to another random Pig. What I did was:

    <img src="" border="0">

    but what happens is he just targets himself. He's not interested in other pigs...

    How can I make him target other instances?

    Here's a simple capx recreating my problem.

    Thank you.

  • Hey. You just need to select what instance for the event to pick so if you do something like:

    system > pick a random Destination instance ---> Enemy Find path to (Destination.X, Destination.Y)

    it'll work.

    Complimentary capx showing how deceitfully easy it actually is.

    As I'm here can I ask if you managed to make an object find a path to a different instance? I want a pig to go to another random pig for mating purposes.

  • arontwose

    I like your idea. I did see it being suggested on other threads but didn't quite get the concept. You've put it very easy to understand. Thanks a lot and may your day be filled with good things.

    Thank you for replying and helping me on my problem. Take care.

    I know this will be enough to finish this part of the game. Thanks guys.

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Member since 17 Aug, 2013

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